Culinary Teas

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I’ve been a fan of Culinary Teas for a while and it’s strong and sturdy black teas like this that remind me why! Ahhhhh! NICE!

I love the aroma of this – sure – it’s a black tea but there are specks of bread-like sniffs trying to hide underneath! Perhaps almost noodle-E…or maybe I am just having CARB withdrawl…regardless this is YUMMERS!

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I actually started today with 3 infusions of this. I’m finishing up a Swap Box for Amanda so I think I will send her the rest of this one, too! There are about 3 or 4 cupsworth left :)

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Backlogging 2 cups! See previous notes :)

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Two cups to start my day! See other notes :)

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Thanks for this LiberTEAs!

The Vanilla is gentle in this one but tasty! The black tea is bold and the spices come in right underneath. I must say my favorite thing about this is the aroma! The vanilla is sweet and it accompanies the spices wonderfully!

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I brewed this last night for iced tea today. When chilled, the wine-like qualities of this tea really come to life. This is much more wine-ish and grape-y than it was hot. Very refreshing.

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I am glad that I have enough of this tea to brew for iced tea tomorrow. I suspect it will make a delightful iced tea. It is tasty hot too.

It has a very pleasant grape-y taste. I am not one who generally likes grape flavors. I like grapes, but, as for grape flavored things, not so much. What I like about this, though, is that this doesn’t taste like some artificial, sweet grape taste. This actually reminds me of the grapes that my gramma used to grow on her vine in the backyard. Crisp, a little on the tart side, and not cloyingly sweet.


This is one of my favorites from Culinary Teas. Haven’t hunted all that actively, but I haven’t seen many Ice Wine varieties elsewhere.


I have an ice wine tea from the Tea Brewery here in Nova Scotia, but I haven’t seen many others either. This would only be the second!


I tried and reviewed one from the Key West Tea & Spice Co. and it was really good. I need to try some others, too, as I really enjoyed it.

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This is an excellent gunpowder. Sweet and nutty, hints of toasty flavor. It is lightly vegetative, and quite refreshing. I’m on my second infusion now, and I’m finding I prefer the second to the first.

Very nice.

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I received another sampling of this tea thanks to Ost – thank you! I know this tea wasn’t one of your favorites, but I did enjoy it the first time I tried it and I’m enjoying it now. I think that the chocolate notes would be better achieved if they used cacao shells rather than just the flavoring because there is a tad of an artificial-ness going on with this particular cup. Not bad, but it doesn’t taste as truly chocolate as I would like it to.

The caramel notes are nice and I can taste a hint of what is somewhat nutty but because it’s called a ‘turtle’ I think I’d like a little more nutty flavor.


Now that I’ve discovered cacao shells, I’m also wondering why their use is limited in teas – they certainly produce a much more natural (and tasty!) flavour. Perhaps it is just easier to use bottled flavourings.


I agree. I think they also produce a better flavor than cacao nibs. A combination of both shells and nibs would be amazing.

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This is really yummy. The flavors are all represented in the sip: nutty, chocolate-y, caramel-y and a hint of earthy black tea. The black tea is a little meek here, but, it isn’t entirely absent.

This one gets a thumbs up from me.

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My favorite at the moment, but drinking it iced even though the weather is a cooler – I just love this iced.

8 min or more

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In my search to replace Teavana Peppermint Tea which was discontinued, trying out Culinary Tea. Has a nice strong peppermint smell, taste is there but has a bit of a lemon or weedy taste. But I have tried several brands and this is the strongest so far thank goodness!

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drank Queen Mary Tea by Culinary Teas
18 tasting notes

This is a full-bodied tea. Though delightful on its own merit, it is just wonderful when milk and sugar is added. It is a great addition to any afternoon/evening. Whenever I take a sip, I feel at peace.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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This tea is balanced well. The fruit and green tea come out in the right strength. Love the rich raspberry flavor. I might have to buy some raspberry jam to mix with the tea. Wonderful iced.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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I enjoyed this tea. I love anything strawberry, especially in the flavor of teas. I would of enjoyed more cakey/pastry flavoring. It has a touch of creaminess to it. I would buy this tea again. Enjoyed plain, but I could see milk in this.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Red Currant Tea by Culinary Teas
335 tasting notes

I prefer black currant as a flavor to red. This has a touch of sour that currants can have. The black currants have a richer, fruity taste I love. It’s an okay tea, it needed sugar to enjoy. The tea base was decent.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Lady Londonderry by Culinary Teas
18 tasting notes

This tea has wonderful characteristics. There is a great fruity flavor while also being full-bodied. Using milk only makes this tea more great. I recommend this tea to anyone that likes black tea. I

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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Refreshing tea. The taste of the strawberry is prominent and doesn’t taste artificial at all. This will be a staple in my home, for sure!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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drank Cream Earl Grey by Culinary Teas
18 tasting notes

Fantastic Earl Grey! The vanilla in this tea makes it wonderfully creamy and goes well with the bergamot. I think I like this tea more than Culinary’s standard Earl Grey; there is no bitterness in this cup. It is just very smooth and is meant to be savored.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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drank Cream Earl Grey by Culinary Teas
18 tasting notes

A nice tea. Milder than Culinary’s regular Earl Grey, this is a very sweet and aromatic. i like this version of the Cream Earl Grey. I recommend trying it.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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This is a great tea. I love the jasmine + Earl Grey notes. The Assam is a bold note. Great with breakfast (I’m having some Sin Dawg: – so very yummy!)

The tea is smooth, slightly sweet, a little bitter, malty, rich and very interesting. My taste buds are kept interested as I sip with all these different tastes going on.


I received this tea from Doulton not long ago. It is delicious! I like the link you shared. We grind our own wheat and make most of our breads…I love knowing it is fresh and chemical free! We also roll our own oat groats, but hubby stll loves the sugary icky stuff from the store! LOL! I can’t get enough sugar in is oatmeal to satisfy him!


I don’t have the patience to make my own bread… but I love Dave’s Killer Bread. So good. And those sin-dawgs… they really are sinful. But, with all the seeds and whole grains and stuff, you feel like they’re at least a little healthy. LOL

Ashley Bain

I have never heard of Dave’s Killer Bread, looks fanastic.


Ashley – as far as I know, it’s a local (Portland Oregon area) product, although I think it can be ordered online. I personally think it’s the best bread anywhere, except for the possibility of homemade bread. :) (I’m not affiliated with DKB, I am just a very happy customer)

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It’s alright, the first chocolate tea I’ve tried as long as I can remember.
Well, I shouldn’t say that… this has been sitting at teh back of my cupboard for over a year, relatively untouched. I did have one cup of it before…

Anyways – it is a touch minty and watery, and I’m not getting a lot of chocolate flavour. Guess I just wanted to try something different this morning and it’s ‘meh’.

Put in a touch of milk and sugar but it didn’t help the situation too much. I’ll pass on the second steep!

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drank Irish Breakfast by Culinary Teas
4843 tasting notes

An awesome Irish Breakfast! A hefty cup of tea, plenty of malt, rich and delicious. A beautiful caramel-sweet undertone. A great, invigorating cuppa!

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