This is a great tea. I love the jasmine + Earl Grey notes. The Assam is a bold note. Great with breakfast (I’m having some Sin Dawg: http://www.daveskillerbread.com/sindawg.shtml – so very yummy!)

The tea is smooth, slightly sweet, a little bitter, malty, rich and very interesting. My taste buds are kept interested as I sip with all these different tastes going on.

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ashmanra 14 years ago

I received this tea from Doulton not long ago. It is delicious! I like the link you shared. We grind our own wheat and make most of our breads…I love knowing it is fresh and chemical free! We also roll our own oat groats, but hubby stll loves the sugary icky stuff from the store! LOL! I can’t get enough sugar in is oatmeal to satisfy him!

LiberTEAS 14 years ago

I don’t have the patience to make my own bread… but I love Dave’s Killer Bread. So good. And those sin-dawgs… they really are sinful. But, with all the seeds and whole grains and stuff, you feel like they’re at least a little healthy. LOL

Ashley Bain 14 years ago

I have never heard of Dave’s Killer Bread, looks fanastic.

LiberTEAS 14 years ago

Ashley – as far as I know, it’s a local (Portland Oregon area) product, although I think it can be ordered online. I personally think it’s the best bread anywhere, except for the possibility of homemade bread. :) (I’m not affiliated with DKB, I am just a very happy customer)

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ashmanra 14 years ago

I received this tea from Doulton not long ago. It is delicious! I like the link you shared. We grind our own wheat and make most of our breads…I love knowing it is fresh and chemical free! We also roll our own oat groats, but hubby stll loves the sugary icky stuff from the store! LOL! I can’t get enough sugar in is oatmeal to satisfy him!

LiberTEAS 14 years ago

I don’t have the patience to make my own bread… but I love Dave’s Killer Bread. So good. And those sin-dawgs… they really are sinful. But, with all the seeds and whole grains and stuff, you feel like they’re at least a little healthy. LOL

Ashley Bain 14 years ago

I have never heard of Dave’s Killer Bread, looks fanastic.

LiberTEAS 14 years ago

Ashley – as far as I know, it’s a local (Portland Oregon area) product, although I think it can be ordered online. I personally think it’s the best bread anywhere, except for the possibility of homemade bread. :) (I’m not affiliated with DKB, I am just a very happy customer)

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I am obsessed with tea!

I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters:

I no longer write for the SororiTea Sisters but I am still the admin for the blog.


The reason I’m no longer writing for SororiTea Sisters is because I am now the Mad Tea Artist for 52Teas:


I’ll still be posting occasional reviews on teas here on Steepster, mostly backlogged reviews because I’m way behind on getting reviews posted. That’s why I’m keeping two accounts active at the current time – so that I can get those backlogged reviews posted.


My favorite teas are Yellow Teas with most Oolong teas at a close second. As far as “flavored” teas go, I love Earl Grey, Chocolate and Jasmine teas.

I also am intrigued by flavored teas with an unusual or unique flavor combination, which is why I was very excited to be the Mad Tea Artist of 52Teas!


Vancouver, WA



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