Culinary Teas

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This is pretty good! Both hot and cold! Nice black tea base – medium strength with light cherry and medium strength notes of almonds! Gentle in every way!

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Enjoying a last cup before sending the rest to Ashley
See previous notes

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Backlogging 2 of these cups, too! I started my day off with this and it was lovely! LOVING the blueberry and cream flavors!

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This smells amazing! Sweet and fruity blueberry followed by sweet and fading cream! The taste is vibrant! I can certainly taste the cream! Much like instant or dairy creamer! Then the blueberry comes in to play! It’s berry-sweet but not tart! This is VERY delicious! A nice, creative blend!!!


You’ve sold me!


evil grin…

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backlogging and sipdown…

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Starting my day off with this one because it’s Friday! :)
I will be preparing more packages to send out today! See previous notes about this specific tea :)

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Backlogging two cups! I have soooooo much backlogging to do it’s CRAZY!

Anyhow this was a nice assister to my morning! My morning would have been a lot worse without this tea

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Thanks for this one LiberTEAs!

The aroma upon opening this package is truly amazing and VERY accurate! It’s chocolately, Caramelly, nutty, goodness! The post-infusion liquor is quite light in color…a paler black tea indeed! The Black tea taste is very mellow. The Caramel and Chocolate flavors stand out more than the nutty and black tea. The nutty and caramel flavors linger in the aftertaste more than the chocolate. This one is pretty good. I would love to have more black tea base taste but the flavors are yummy!

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Backlogging and sipdown! This will be missed.
YAY! Steepster is faster! Woot! I hope to be back full time and hard core if this continues to work well for me!!! Thanks Steepster Gurus!

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Yum! Yum! Yum! YAY!
Having another cup of this…see previous notes…
I think I will have a few more black teas and them move on to some new-to-me-teas and more full reviews :)

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Backlogging another 2 cups from earlier today…

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Still love this bready/toast-like taste! YUMMY! See previous note…YUM!

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I totally agree with JacquelineM’s description of this being comparable to incense (but in a good way!) So much so that I might have to burn some this evening when I get home…it will be like the first time in at least 8 years that I have burned incense! LOL

There is a slight smokiness to the taste but the black tea is FAB – I really like this!!!

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I had 4 cups of this earlier today…see previous notes…

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Backlogging this as my first cuppa the day! See previous notes :) I will have some new teas later today! Sort of in a rush and just logging at the moment! :)

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YUMMERS! See previous notes…I will share the rest…

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Started my day with 2 cups of this. It was quite nice…see previous notes :)

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Thin Mints! Peppermint Patties! This reminds me of BOTH! LOVE the aroma! Mint and Chocolate just GO together! Thanks for this one, too, LiberTEAs!!!!!

The post infusion color of the tea is lighter in color than I thought it would be it’s a medium or less than medium brown in color. Not as light in color as the spring Darjeeling I just sampled but still…

The mint is stronger than the chocolate but the taste is GRAND! I can also taste the black tea base which, I think, contributes to the overall flavor of this tea! YUM!

Tea by Tiffany

Yes I agree … I can’t wait for the cooler months to enjoy chocolate mint tea :)

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Having one last cuppa before sending it out in a mini swap!
YES…I am still mailing packages and envelops! Be on the look-out!

I really like this one because of the strength! See previous notes…

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It’s been a crazy morning! This tea made it a bit better! Had two cups worth! See previous notes :)

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2 Cups today…first infusion super strong and I liked it for what it was and the 2nd infusion was also sturdy but a little more reserved which probably brought it down to a more medium-strong black tea flavor. Still great!

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Just what I needed to start my day! :)

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