Back from my Hawaiian cruise!
The only things I missed from home was my bunny and my tea stash, though seeing my tea stash today was overwhelming, man I have a lot of tea. Oh and I missed my variable temp kettle.
So, mint tea on the ship sucked – the one they had had hibiscus in it for some random reason giving the tea a gross grey colour. Time for some better mint tea! Love the berry, smokey gunpowder green and fresh peppermint flavor. I shoulda brought this tea with me, I didn’t bring many greens.
oh man, I gained so much weight on this cruise and it will be difficult not eating 4 meals of day, 3 of them with a dessert. Back to unpacking and chipping away at emails.
I hope you got a ton of sun!
Oh yes, I’m tanned. And sick of macadamia nuts yet I want to go back to Hawaii.
Glad you had a great time!