I’m having one of those “dont’ want to get out of bed” mornings, still wearing blankets from the bed. For breakfast I just want tea – and more unusual for me is I’m too lazy to clean my steeper so I went with a bagged tea. This one came from my Den’s Tea sampler.
DRY: yummy bergamontness
TASTE: Mellow, slight creamy mouth feel black tea, not bitter or dry. The bergamont here is light, but shines through as an aftertaste, not rindy or tart. Oddly refreshing and relaxing.
COMMENTS: I love the black tea here – the creamyness is nice with the balance of the bergamont. My favorite bagged Earl Greys have been Tazo’s and Stash’s Double Berg – this one I like more than Tazo. I doubt I’d order more for myself as I’m more of a loose leaf peep, but this is a good bagged earl grey – I might snag a box at Murakai as a gift.