Woot! all the family is gone! Life is mostly back to normal post wedding, I just have lots of cleaning and laundry to do! Oddly, the wedding gift I’m most excited for is the new vacuum and steam cleaner from my dad – he said for the vacuum the commercials showed it can suck itself onto the roof, Swwweeeet! I can retire the Roomba that gets stupider each time I use it.
Before that, I need to try a new tea to feel like things are normal. .
DRY: melty butter toffee smell, delicious! The toffee chunks are little cubes that seemed to of moved to the bottom of the bag – make sure you mix the bag before making a cup! Beautiful looking tea too! I love the blue flowers!
STEEPED: Slightly buttery sweet smell over gold coloured tea. Annoyingly my 2 toffee bits did not melt that much in my steeper. I cheated and after my steeper strained to my tea pot, I dug out the toffee and tossed it in. Sadly, at the end of my pot, they still aren’t fully dissolved.
TASTE: Nutty, smooth, creamy mouth up front, taste of crisp toffee, then delicious white tea. Slightly sweet as well. The nuttyness is great and natural tasting.. reminds me of walnuts I think. The toffee and nuttyness reminds me of those honeycomb kind of toffee, but very light and less artificial.
WHO SHOULD TRY THIS TEA: someone looking for a nice light dessert tea – especially if you like creamy/ nutty or tired of fruity white dessert teas.
COMMENTS: This is the last of the Zen Tea samples I have at the moment, and I gotta say this one is the best. The combination of flavors is nice, the nuttyness was very good – and I wasn’t excepting nutty as I thought it would just be basic sweet/cream over white tea. Very tasty Zen Tea!
Warmest congratulations on your wedding!