drank Candy Corn Black Tea by 52teas
3503 tasting notes

Woo hoo! This is the first review!

I was not going to buy any new tea but this is CANDY CORN PEOPLE! And my daughter loves candy corn, and it was suggested by Sweet Canadian who is really…well, you know….sweet. So I bought it right away. The daughter who loves candy corn does not like black tea but she drank a really nice Chinese black with lunch with me last week and liked it, so I thought this might win her over.

I used 203F water and steeped for about 3 minutes. I ate the candy corn that was in the package so my mouth had a really sweet taste. I thought the tea would need sugar so I added a bit, but I don’t like sugar in my tea most of the time and I didn’t care for it with this.

I drank my second cup with no additions and oh yeah baby! I wasn’t planning to serve this at tea time because my guest never ever adds sugar and doesn’t like it and I thought this would really need it. No, it is best without sugar to me! In fact, it tastes like that elusive first perfect cup of Elyse’s Blend from Harney and Sons that I was never able to replicate and I ended up giving the whole tin away.

This is mild and smooth with nice, light honey flavor.

I am very pleased as I think this is a tea that will be popular with both my daughter and my tea party guest, and it is certainly going to be enjoyed by me!


thanks to your review I know by now what a candy corn is !


we don’t have these candies here :(

Sweet Canadian

I’m so happy you like it, I’m waiting for mine to make its way across the border! It’s good to hear it is in fact delicious :)


Ysaurella: candy corn is almost addictive but it is so very sweet that my daughter used to headache when she ate them. Now she is careful about how many she eats at a time! I hope you can try them someday!


Sweet Canadian: I think you will like it a lot!


I love candy corn. Your review has convinced me to buy some of this. I cant wait to try it.


Quart jar of the fat mallow-creme pumpkins is sitting atop the china cabinet taunting me.


Ooo, I love the pumpkin shaped ones!


At work this time of year, it becomes ubiquitous—people mix candy corn with salted peanuts and leave in candy dishes. It’s like a sugar buzz buffet.

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thanks to your review I know by now what a candy corn is !


we don’t have these candies here :(

Sweet Canadian

I’m so happy you like it, I’m waiting for mine to make its way across the border! It’s good to hear it is in fact delicious :)


Ysaurella: candy corn is almost addictive but it is so very sweet that my daughter used to headache when she ate them. Now she is careful about how many she eats at a time! I hope you can try them someday!


Sweet Canadian: I think you will like it a lot!


I love candy corn. Your review has convinced me to buy some of this. I cant wait to try it.


Quart jar of the fat mallow-creme pumpkins is sitting atop the china cabinet taunting me.


Ooo, I love the pumpkin shaped ones!


At work this time of year, it becomes ubiquitous—people mix candy corn with salted peanuts and leave in candy dishes. It’s like a sugar buzz buffet.

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I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fifteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


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