171 Tasting Notes
Day 23 of Sara’s Old Tea, Festivus!
The brewed tea smells nicely of lavender.
This one is lavender-forward, which I don’t mind. But I really can’t taste anything but lavender here. Great for sipping while falling asleep in a floral garden.
Flavors: Lavender
Day 22 of Sara’s Old Tea
Mmm, strong vegetal taste, kind of like asparagus. It tastes… very green, LOL. I like it.
Flavors: Asparagus, Vegetal
Day 21 of Sara’s Old Tea! (blackjack!)
So, this is labeled as “Ruby Oolong Qingming Special.” Rishi’s Ruby Oolong is listed here, but this is something different, and I’ve only found a few references to it with a web search.
Oh man, wish I could get more of this. It’s got malt and honey notes like my favorite black teas, and there’s something a little metallic, but not in a bad way. I’ll bet their regular ruby oolong is good too.
Flavors: Honey, Malt, Metallic
Day 20 of Sara’s Old Tea!
I’ve finally caught up with the extra teas from the 18th. :) This is a flavored oolong that tastes like plum. I get a hint of the rose petals at the end of the sip. This is a really nice tea. Imagine walking through a garden, with rose bushes all around, picking and eating plums from a plum tree, and that’s about right.
Flavors: Plum, Rose
Day 19 of Sara’s Old Tea
It tastes like cedar! Smells kind of like a cedar fire. But it’s not quite smokey. It’s kind of like taking a walk through the forest and licking the trees. I kind of like it.
I think it would pair well with any sort of fried potatoes.
Flavors: Cedar, Roasted
Day 18 of Sara’s Old Tea! Part 6 of 6!
Finally done with day 18, heh. This is a nice mint blend. The spearmint stands out a bit over the peppermint. It’s nice if you’re feeling extra minty. Probably nice just before bed.
Flavors: Peppermint, Spearmint
Day 18 of Sara’s Old Tea! Part 5 of 6
I like this, reminds me of the Moroccan Mint at Menara Moroccan Restaurant in San Jose. I miss eating out. Theirs is a bit sweetened, with honey I think.
The main flavor is spearmint. Okay, it reminds me a bit of spearmint gum too. Anyway, good classic flavor.
Flavors: Spearmint
Ha, I tried adding this to a smoothie to get “mint” flavor, and my smoothie tasted really weird because it was so spearmint heavy and not peppermint. Then I looked at the ingredients and had a major oops moment. There was only spearmint in it, no peppermint! In my head I assumed it would at least be a blend. After that I just drunk the rest in a water bottle, heh. (The smoothie really needed a peppermint flavor).
Day 18 of Sara’s Old Tea! Part 4 of 6
Oh wow, the tea bag smells kind of like cinnamon candy.
Smells like that steeping in the cup too, though I can also pick out some hibiscus smell, mmm. I left the bag in the cup and waited for it to cool down.
I mainly taste hibiscus, with plenty of cinnamon at the end of the sip. It’s a nice combination.
Oops, it cooled down too much. So I added some ice, and mmm, spiced punch. I like it even better chilled.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Hibiscus
Day 18 of Sara’s Old Tea! Part 3 of 6
Swimming teabag in boiling water.
Oh man, this one smells amazing. I can smell lemon icing on some kind of spice cake.
Tastes like a delicious lemon cake! It’s really good. I may have to stock some of this in my cupboard. Thanks. :)
Flavors: Cake, Lemon
My local Freddies stopped carrying all the other Tazo dessert teas… except that one. And while I kinda miss Butterscotch Blondie, I’m just so thankful they kept this one cause I’m not sure what I’d do without it as a cupboard staple!
Day 18 of Sara’s Old Tea! Part 2 of 6
Since it’s an herbal, I poured boiling water over the bag and left the bag in.
What kind of cinnamon is this? It stands out while pairing nicely with the licorice flavors! There’s also a bit of cocoa flavor towards the end of the sip. Excellent herbal.
I remember picking this up at a convenience store in Dublin, Ireland, last year. It was my first time seeing that brand, but now I see it at the local Safeway too, though not quite so many varieties.
If you hate licorice, don’t bother with this one. More for me!
Flavors: Cinnamon, Cocoa, Licorice