71 Tasting Notes
This was the first milk oolong I ever got. This was even before I really got into oolongs, I just was intrigued by the name of it. This is a whole leaf tea which made me appreciated tea leaves and oolong. It brews up this beautiful green color. The taste of this is out of this world. It is a versatile tea. I would brew this gong fu style and I could stretch for it for 10+ infusions, I would brew it western style and it was still great but brought a different personality to the tea. I would also brew this grandpa style. It was light and refreshing and bright. It was always forgiving when I would forgot about it for a while. The flavor is not too milky or artificial. I have bought every milk oolong I have come across and none is as good as this one. There are a few that come close but this one will always have a place in my heart.
Experimented with this and peach black tea from Fortnum and Mason. The flavor of this tea is light when I tried it iced by itself and very weak hot by itself. I decided to add this to the peach black tea and cold steep the two. It is beautiful. The light peach flavor from this tea add to the peach flavor from the peach black tea. It creates a wonderful blend together.
Having this cold brewed. The flavor profile intrigued me. It is a refreshing iced tea with a bright and fresh notes from the grapefruit and creamy notes from the banana. Almost no “tea” is present in the blend that I bought. It was interesting to find out that it was a black tea base as none of it comes out in the liquor.
Flavors: Creamy
I opened this and smelled it and it instantly brought me back to something from my childhood. It made for a mediocre hot tea so I decided to cold steep it. It brought this tea to a different level. I would leave it to steep in the fridge for a few days. It was one of the more forgiving tea to my lazy antics.
It was sweet and delicious. The cold steep produced a full bodied liquor. I could not quite taste the lemonade but the rose flavor was prominent. It reminded me of jelly candies that I had as a child during the summers with my grandparents . It brought back a delightful feeling. I loved every bit of this tea and quite disappointed that I can no longer get it.
Flavors: Rose
I bought this tea on accident. I thought it was a different tea. I was surprised when I finally read the ingredients in it. I am not a big cinnamon tea drinker. I was a little disappointed when I read that but decided to drink it up anyway. I am glad that I did. It took me by surprise. It was balanced with the other flavors. It is quite sweet from all the fruity bits and the cinnamon. It brews up this beautiful pink from the beets and the hibiscus. I loved having this as a treat at night. It satisfies the sweet craving that you have late at night. It was a good tea that I was glad that I tried. The only thing that I did not like was the gritty feel of the liquor from the what I believe to be the hibiscus. Other than that it was a decent infusion that I am glad I tried but it was not something I would go back and get again.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Sweet
Just got enough to make a few cups. This was surprising to me. I thought it was a slightly sweet tea with a strong nutty flavor. The flavor of the green tea is there but takes a smaller role in the background. I could taste the nuttiness of the tea without other flavors over powering it. I tried to make it as a latte but that dampens the nuttiness and the tropical flavor of this tea. It was a delightful treat. It takes a lot of tea product to create a flavorful cup of tea.
Flavors: Almond, Nuts, Walnut
This is one of those tea that smells really great but you are a little disappointed when it doesn’t taste like it smells. It smells like cookies and cream but falls a little short when it comes to the taste. It is by no means a bad tasting tea. In fact, it is one of those teas that would be great daily blend as a pick me up. It has the earthy flavor of the pu-erh and also a slightly sweeter fruity note as well. Overall it is a good tea but not as great as it is hyped out to be. I enjoy it from time to time.
Flavors: Cookie, Cream, Earth
Drinking this now. I was so excited to see this when they posted on Instagram. I could not wait to order it as Lumber Slut is a favorite of mine. I did order a ton when I got the chance.
Brewed this Gongfu Style and got about 7-8 infusions from it. The first few infusion the soup had a lot of body.
The smell: Very Earthy and smell of petrichor.
Taste: A little disappointed as it did not live up to their 2018 lumber slut. The taste is not as earthy as that. There is a bite that the lumber slut has that is missing in this.
Going in, I couldn’t get the Lumber slut out of my head and it did bias my opinion a little. Lumber slut aside. The lumber balls were like your run of the mill pu-erh that you drink when you cannot decide what you want to.Honestly some days that is exactly what you need or want. I am glad I bought it and I am going to enjoy drinking the rest of this. It is not a bad puerh by any means but it is nothing too special either. Also curious how this would be brewed grandpa style .
Flavors: Earth, Petrichor, Wet Moss, Wet Wood
This one was different each time I made it. You have to use 1.5 tsp for a 6 oz cup of tea. There was a lot of cinnamon in it which hid the maple taste. Although the tea is called maple oolong. It took time for the maple taste to peek out. I wish the other spices like cardamom came out with the maple flavor to make it have a punch. It took a lot of tries to get the perfect cup with this one. This is another one of those tea that I would drink if I had it but not something that I would go out and buy myself.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Maple
When I first heard of this tea, I was not sold. Mushrooms are not my favorite to begin with and the though of having something I associate primarily with savory food was not appealing to me. I ordered a set from David’s Tea and it was included in the set. It was a small sample meant for 2-3 cups of tea so I thought I was give it a try.
First sip was weird. It had a woody and earthy notes along with a cocoa note. As someone who loves earthy teas, I was still unsure of what to comprehend. I could not smell the mushrooms which is why I tried it again. I tried again with an open mind setting aside any thoughts i had previously. Oddly, the taste grew on me. I kept going back to it. I ordered more it to drink for a little while. It is a tea that I am going to enjoy while it lasts but not something that I would shed a tear over when it is discontinued.
Regarding the detox properties- Did not notice anything detoxifying and was not expecting anything in regards to those properties as well.
Note: The re-steep is quite weak and do not save the steeped leaves for a long time before your next re-steep. The mushroom flavor starts to come through a lot more prominently when you leave the wet leaves out for hours before your next steep.
Flavors: Cocoa, Earth, Mushrooms, Wet Moss