drank Eros by Mariage Frères
2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 2 of 2023 (no. 660 total).

I didn’t even think about trying this cold — it didn’t seem like it would do well that way. But it was nicer than I remembered, a delicate floral. While it says there is hibiscus in here, I really didn’t get a hibiscus note — perhaps the black tea base neutralized it somehow.

I have another similarly rated Mariage Freres tea, Wedding Imperial, which I thought I remembered liking a bit better than this, but I rated them the same. I had some of that this morning and it was heavier than I remembered — which made me appreciate the delicate nature of this one that much more.

One of these ages, when I have my cupboard under control, I could see Mariage Freres becoming something I continue to buy — as well as the other French teas. I have been to France a couple of times since I got into tea but both times it was during a hiatus in my active tasting. Still, it was kind of nice to see the teas I’ve tried on the menu of bistros and restaurants, and to run into a Dammann Freres shop by accident — though, being on my way to something else (can’t now remember what) I waved at it and walked on.

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I got obsessed with tea in 2010 for a while, then other things intruded, then I cycled back to it. I seem to be continuing that in for a while, out for a while cycle. I have a short attention span, but no shortage of tea.

I’m a mom, writer, gamer, lawyer, reader, runner, traveler, and enjoyer of life, literature, art, music, thought and kindness, in no particular order. I write fantasy and science fiction under the name J. J. Roth.

Personal biases: I drink tea without additives. If a tea needs milk or sugar to improve its flavor, its unlikely I’ll rate it high. The exception is chai, which I drink with milk/sugar or substitute. Rooibos and honeybush were my gateway drugs, but as my tastes developed they became less appealing — I still enjoy nicely done blends. I do not mix well with tulsi or yerba mate, and savory teas are more often a miss than a hit with me. I used to hate hibiscus, but I’ve turned that corner. Licorice, not so much.

Since I find others’ rating legends helpful, I added my own. But I don’t really find myself hating most things I try.

I try to rate teas in relation to others of the same type, for example, Earl Greys against other Earl Greys. But if a tea rates very high with me, it’s a stand out against all other teas I’ve tried.

95-100 A once in a lifetime experience; the best there is

90-94 Excellent; first rate; top notch; really terrific; will definitely buy more

80-89 Very good; will likely buy more

70-79 Good; would enjoy again, might buy again

60-69 Okay; wouldn’t pass up if offered, but likely won’t buy again

Below 60 Meh, so-so, iffy, or ick. The lower the number, the closer to ick.

I don’t swap. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that I have way more tea than any one person needs and am not lacking for new things to try. Also, I have way too much going on already in daily life and the additional commitment to get packages to people adds to my already high stress level. (Maybe it shouldn’t, but it does.)

That said, I enjoy reading folks’ notes, talking about what I drink, and getting to “know” people virtually here on Steepster so I can get ideas of other things I might want to try if I can ever again justify buying more tea. I also like keeping track of what I drink and what I thought about it.

My current process for tea note generation is described in my note on this tea: https://steepster.com/teas/mariage-freres/6990-the-des-impressionnistes


Bay Area, California



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