Another tea that I’ve held on to for years and years because I love it and don’t want it to be gone. Yes, I know that sentence makes no sense one you stop to think about it, but we’re not talking about that right now. We’re talking about this wonderfully rich and malty tea that’s full of raisin, crusty bread, and cocoa notes. It. is. so. good. I made a pot of it to go with breakfast this morning, and I’m happy I did. Even though this tea is 7+ years old, it’s held up incredibly well. I feel like it’s as full bodied as I remember, and I don’t pick up on any dusty notes that sometimes happen with older teas. Thank goodness!
I have enough leaves left for one more pot. I won’t hold on to them for another seven years. Pinky promise.
Yep, this is relatable. I’m hoarding my last 20 g of What-Cha’s Yuchi Assam, though it’s now back in stock and I’m really tempted.
No, I think most of us here understand that first sentence perfectly. :D
We all have teas like that :/
Yep, this is relatable. I’m hoarding my last 20 g of What-Cha’s Yuchi Assam, though it’s now back in stock and I’m really tempted.
Ha! I love that y’all understand. My sweet husband is supportive and kind, but he doesn’t get why I don’t just drink the dang tea already. :)