694 Tasting Notes

Thank you to Angel at TeaVivre for this generous sample!

My husband and I love to travel on the weekends, but this winter in an effort to save money for our upcoming summer road trip we decided to hang around home. It has been a lot of fun. My little one has gotten to do her first set of swim lessons, we have made a tradition of grilling meat from the Local Pig on Saturday night and Saturday afternoon has turned into a lazy book and and now that I am drinking tea again, tea time. This is the tea this afternoon.

While looking around on the Teavivre site I finally found the brewing instructions. It sure beats trying to read the tiny lettering on the package! This one said 7g in 3oz Gaiwan. Seems like a lot but, in the tea went. I brewed this one up per the steeping instructions. Despite my qaiwan overflowing with leaf, this turned out wonderful. I get hints of floral, some buttery feel on the tongue and the end part of the sip is somewhat cucumber flavor. I do not get any hints of bitterness. This is going to be a great tea for the afternoon. For the price point I am pretty excited about this one. Thank you again Teavivre for letting me sample this one!

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drank Thé au Chocolat by Lupicia
694 tasting notes

I received a sachet of this in the Lupicia mailer this month. I thought it would be a good morning tea for V-day. I wasn’t expecting much as chocolate in tea doesn’t usually turn out to great, but this isn’t a bad cup. The black tea base seems to have just the right amount of astringency to bring out the dark chocolateness of this tea. I am not sure it would be one I would purchase on my own, but definitely wouldn’t turn down a cup or two of this tea. Since I at home in my PJ’s I drank half the cup and then added a bit of milk and sugar and it made it into a nice breakfast treat.

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drank Kenyan Safari by Gong Fu Tea Shop
694 tasting notes

Last cup of this sample from Charissa! This tea changed my mind about Kenyan teas. A great morning cup. Smooth, complex, and bold.

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This has been one of my favorite rooibos blends for awhile. There is something about it that I really like. It is probably the only Teavana blend that I will continue to pick up. There is no medicinal taste. It just works. Tonight I finished off the last cup of my most recent stash. I can never explain the flavors of this one. It is just good.


I remember liking this one too when I had it – quite tasty! Will have to try it again sometime.

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I have manged to come down with a bit of a cold, boo! I was going to drink my last cup of TWMB this morning, but I didn’t want to experience the last cup with tasters that could be slightly off. I ordered 2oz of this tea last year sometime. It is one of those teas that I sadly have neglected and almost wrote off as not worthy to keep around. How wrong I was. I was in a hurry on Tuesday and didn’t want to mess with loose leaf so I pulled out a sachet of this same tea. Brewed it up for a quick morning cup and had one of those zen tea moments. A malty smooth base with the perfect amount of bergamont. Yes please! The loose leaf I own has now eared a more royal status in my cupboard.

When kiddo 2 shows up my husband and I are planning to take time off and we are going to pack up family and the tent and road trip for 2 months this summer. I am keeping my tasters open for good tea to take along in sachets. I think I might have to add this to the list!


Awesome! Where will you guys travel/camp? That sounds like an exciting adventure—especially with two little ones!


Well the current plan is to head out to the north west and then travel down the coast and back through the southwest. But we are definitely keeping an open mind as we have no idea what personality the new little one will have. We might get as far as South Dakota and turn around and come home:)


How man weeks left for you?


That sounds like a great trip! We too will be traveling after baby #2 arrives—for my brother’s wedding in Florida in May. The new baby will be two months old, but that should be okay…better than a newborn or when he’s older and wanting to crawl! Anyway, I’m at 33 weeks now, so only about a little over a month to go. March 27th is my due date. So excited! :-)

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drank Eggnog Honeybush by 52teas
694 tasting notes

This sample comes from Kaliboo, Thank you!

This is a decent honeybush. It doesn’t scream eggnog, but it has some nice spice to it. Sweet, creamy nutmeg. It was a nice dessert for tonight.

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This is a sad sad sipdown. My last cup of North Winds. It will be a month or two before I can order more so this will be missing from my cuppoard for awhie. I have hoarded this last cup for quite some time. It is a great cup this morning. Deep dark cocoa notes. Not too many bright fruity notes to take away from the dark side. I am sad to see this go, but I am also excited to get my hands on the new version.

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
694 tasting notes

Truvia? what is this? I thought I would try Florence this morning with a bit of milk and sugar, but they only had truvia at work. I put half the packet in thinking it would about 1/2 a tsp and holy cow. That is SWEET, and taste like the fake sweet. bleh. Too sweet for me. Not worth the caffeine. Onto another cup this morning. Florence I will get you right one of these days.

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drank Cream Caramel Rooibos by Zen Tea
694 tasting notes

I had a travel mug of this on the bus this morning. It was nice to sip on and stay warm. It is not great, but not bad. I added milk and sugar. I really like when rooibos is slightly more flavor. I got hints of sweet caramel, but nothing too convincing. Not my favorite.


I found that this tea improved if you used more leaf than recommended. I think I used two TSP per cup.


I will have to give this a try with what remains. Thanks!

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This is a very old sample. I believe this came from tea stash sale from BrewteallySweet a while back. Thank you!

So today’s lunch workout….. eek. I have no idea how women run until they are ready to head to the hospital and give birth. 21 weeks with this nugget and I wish the bathroom was located right next to the treadmill. Seriously contemplating depends for workouts:) I ran until 26 weeks with my fist and then walked/swam. One week at a time I guess.

Anyways onto the tea….. This is really hitting the spot this afternoon. Crisp, clean, with a sweet green bean taste. I have a few straight greens in my collection and I think I might keep playing with them in the afternoons. It seems like a great “refreshing” hot drink. The lower temperature of the work water may keep me from destroying them with bitterness. Very nice choice for the afternoon cup.

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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