694 Tasting Notes

drank Honeybush Hazelnut by Adagio Teas
694 tasting notes

I had 2 stashes of this tea. One stash I bought at Lollicup across the street, the other I got with a sample pack from Adagio. The stash from across the street smelled amazing. Really really hazelnut. The stash from the sample pack smelled of chemical BLAH! Before I had a chance to really determined what was going on I had dumped them together in the same container.

So I brewed a mug hoping for the best. Not undrinkable, but there is definitely a chemical funk to this one. I had really high hopes for this as I love the Hazelnut black and the first stash of tea smelled so nice. Oh well. My wallet is thanking me for a tea I don’t dig.


That’s frustrating

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I am in the process of cleaning and reorganizing. My husband says it is early “nesting”. We are adding a 4th member of the family to a 900 sqaure foot condo…. nesting/reorganizing whatever you want to call it things have to go:) I am starting with the kitchen. Our dining room area will soon turn into the adult room with a pretty sweet murphy bed that is a bed by night and a kitchen table by day. In the process of rehoming some of the things in this space. I found a lonely single sachet of this tea tucked away in the cupboard. How it found its way up there I will never know.

I am really enjoying this cup today. I have had this before. Didn’t seem to enjoy as much last time. After letting my office water cool for 2 mins I let this steep for 1.5 mins and it is perfect. The vanilla is sweet and adds a nice creamy-ness to the tea. The grapefruit sneaks out in bursts with each sip and mingles well with the vanilla and tea base. This will go on my wish list for the next time I order from the store so I can pick up 2oz.

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So long, farewell….. This is my last cup:( I am sad to see it go, but it had to be done. I have been eyeing the Wild Mountain Black tea on Taiwan Tea Craft’s site. I hope it is just as tasty.

Smooth, sweet, with cinnamon spice at the end. Delicious as always.


“I have been eyeing the Wild Mountain Black tea on Taiwan Tea Craft’s site. I hope it is just as tasty.”
I look forward to your review of it.


I have been hoarding my last serving of this!


Just do it! Drink it down. looseTman – it maybe a long while before I actually get the chance to try it, but I will definitely post a review.


Per Tippy’s Tea “We are working on acquiring some of this tea.”

Butiki Teas

looseTman-No one from that company contacted me about acquiring our TWMB, so I believe they are referring to just finding a wild Taiwanese tea.


Butiki Teas, Thanks for the update. TT wasn’t that specific. http://steepster.com/Teatiff/posts/286544#comments


Butiki Teas, Has anyone contacted you about offering PTA?

Butiki Teas

looseTman-a lot of companies contacted us about both PTA and TWMB. I’m sure they will be offered at some point.


That’s good to know. Thanks!
Will you let us know when this event occurs?

Butiki Teas

Will do. :)


I saw the note about Tippy’s Teas possibly carrying TWMB, if they do that would be great. It will be interesting to see who offers the PTA and TWMB from Butiki.

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This is a sample from MissB’s sample sale awhile back. Thank you!

How I do love bergamot, but the berg and rooibos together. Hmmm. A lot of my favorite Earl Grey’s are my favorite b/c of the base + bergamot. Rooibos, as much as I enjoy the cup and the no caffeine thing, it isn’t my favorite base “tea”. This is okay. Not stellar. I doctored it up with a bit of milk and sugar like I do most rooibos drinks. It is a light lemon rooibos. I would much rather have a normal Earl Grey or Lemmon Chiffon, but it will do for tonight.

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This tea a great morning cup. It is a little more fruity than I remember it, but that is not a bad thing.

I have to keep reminding myself that tea has been around for ages and will continue to be around, I don’t need to buy everything right now! Every time I have a magical moment with a tea, like this one, I want to run out and buy more, but in reality I probably have enough black tea to last me for at least a year. Oh if I could only practice restraint. This will stay on the wish list along with probably all the A&D blends. One tin at a time right?

I think I have decided that this has Darjeeling, Assam, and Cyelon. That is my guess anyway. I do wish the folks at A&D posted at least hints to their magical formulas. I hope we meet again Red-Tailed Hawk.

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drank Rooibos Chai by Harney & Sons
694 tasting notes

I received a sachet of this in my H&S order that arrived at my door step today. Thank-you H&S!

Two of my KC friends, and I went in on an order to get free shipping and we hit the 25% off 75 dollar weekend deal last week so it worked out quite nice. Free shipping and 25% off. I will take it. I got the okay from my husband to create a tea drawer and a spice drawer in our kitchen so I ordered a ton of their 4oz black tins. 75 cents for uniform tins. Heck yeah baby!

This isn’t bad. It is not run to the store and buy more good either. Since restricting caffeine I am still experimenting with the collection of rooibos I have. If I can’t find other wonderful rooibos chai I might come back to this one, but something tells me there are others that will suit me more. It is a weaker chai. The rooibos in this cup takes more of the center stage than the spices, but the spices don’t over power so much that it makes my stomach upset, which is a good thing these days. Not bad, not great. A good evening cup to settle down with my next book…. Wool anyone?

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drank Cinnamon Roll Honeybush by 52teas
694 tasting notes

YUM!!!! This has been hiding in my cupboard for a year. Why? I have no idea. I made a mug of this to take with me today since I can’t be sucking down loads and loads of caffeine. I think I was really scared of this tea because of the cinnamon. This is really good. If this were sold again I would definitely pick up a pouch of it. I could drink this quite a bit.


I had one of these discoveries in my cupboard today too! Hiding gems! Like xmas but not on the calendar! yaaaaaay!

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Its Presidents Day and my husband and daughter are out of daycare and work, but working in the tech world I still have to go in. Thankfully there was this awesome mini snow storm in KC and I am able to work from “home.” Or in this case b/c the other two are home I am working from the coffee shop down the street that carry’s Hugo Teas! Yep thats right, working from home, sipping on Full Steam and watching the pretty snow get cleaned up while spending my lunch hour with my gal and hubby. What a great Presidents Day.

This is wonderful this morning. Today I am getting some serious malty and cocoa notes. I couldn’t ask for a better cup. I am hoping they let me refill my hot water over and over again today so I can take full advantage of these leaves.

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Thank you to Angel at TeaVivre for this sample!

I used about 6g of leaf in my 100ml Gaiwan. This was a light roasted green oolong. It was nice for the cold afternoon. Even though this was a roasted oolong there were still hints of fruit and floral that seeped through the roasty flavor. I haven’t had too many oolongs that were moderately roasted. This was enjoyable tea, but not my favorite flavor profile.

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drank English Breakfast by Tealated
694 tasting notes

This was my morning cup with breakfast this morning. I am not too experienced in the realm of English Breakfast, but this was a really tasty cup. I wish the contents of the blend were listed on the web site. I would like some confirmation in what I thought I was tasting. I know that traditionaly English Breakfast is Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan teas, but some aspects of this tea almost hinted at Dajeeling being in the mix. It was a great morning cup with breakfast. It was strong enough that it would have stood up to milk and sugar, but it was yummy enough to drink on its own. Thank you so much for the sample Tealated.

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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