Zingiber Ginger Coconut

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Apple Pieces, Artificial Flavouring, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Coconut Chips, Ginger Pieces, Red Rooibos
Ginger, Spices, Coconut, Cookie, Citrus, Apple, Cinnamon, Cream, Creamy, Fruity, Smooth, Sweet, Tropical, Cherry
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 7 g 12 oz / 345 ml

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134 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Wow is this good! Thank you Jaime for sharing this with me. It is like drinking an exotic cup of cider. The mouthfeel is very similar to apple cider. I got loads of sweet coconut and a nice...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one courtesy of the quiet life!!! (you should see the adorable little tins she put the samples in!!!) This is delicious!!!! It tastes to me like cinnamony amaretto. I didn’t get a lot of...” Read full tasting note
  • “So this generous sample came from Ze_Teamaker – thank you! I am enjoying this today like a chai, it’s nice with soymilk and some turbinado sugar. I’m getting a nice bit of ginger, cardamom and a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Life update: I got a 4.0 this semester! This brings my GPA up to 3.81. I’m getting there! I talked to my professor yesterday and wow, do I have a long road ahead of me. I’m still planning on...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

Sweet coconut with slightly spicy ginger undertones

This balanced red rooibos wonder has a ginger, toasted coconut and black pepper zest, smoothed over with the sweetness of cinnamon, golden delicious apple and and creamy coconut. A sublime voyage of infinite possibilities.

Ingredients: Red rooibos, ginger pieces, coconut chips (coconut, coconut fat, sugar), cinnamon, apple pieces, artificial flavoring, cardamom, black pepper

How To Steep
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134 Tasting Notes

558 tasting notes

Wow is this good! Thank you Jaime for sharing this with me. It is like drinking an exotic cup of cider. The mouthfeel is very similar to apple cider. I got loads of sweet coconut and a nice bite of ginger. The red rooibos isn’t as notable in this as in other rooibos blends I’ve tried. This is magnificent. I think this is the best non-hibiscus tea decaf tea I’ve had of late. Just finished a 16oz mug and can’t wait til the water is done to have some more!

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more
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wombatgirl 15 years ago

It makes an awesome iced tea too!

codylynnclark 15 years ago

That sounds good. I don’t often buy Teavana teas because their blends have so much going on… I guess I like plain teas better. But, I might have to try that.

Cofftea 15 years ago

LOL humangirl- I’m the opposite. I pretty much put everything I like in 1 blend (I’m the same way w/ sandwhiches and pizzas as well)… I almost died laughing when Frank @ 52teas came out w/ Kitchen Sink green cuz that is me!

codylynnclark 15 years ago

Hah. I imagine I feel the same way in Teavana that my parents do when they go to Starbucks looking for coffee. “ZingyZangyBlueRazzLemonExplosion? Ooookay, but where’s the tea?”

Jaime 15 years ago

You’re very welcome! I’m glad you like it. I’m hoping to get down to Nashville this weekend and get some more of it; it goes really fast when you’re brewing a pot every other night!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Oh yes, my coffee is the same way. It usually requires me to repeat it twice- but now I write it down to make it easier for them.

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1112 tasting notes

This one courtesy of the quiet life!!! (you should see the adorable little tins she put the samples in!!!)

This is delicious!!!! It tastes to me like cinnamony amaretto. I didn’t get a lot of ginger, coconut, or pepper and the rooibos was just playing backup for depth. I think it was the nicest caffeine free tea I’ve ever had!

Y’know, a lot of the blends look really good from Teavana, but I’ve heard that the sales associates are really pushy, and the one that is near me is in a mall. I just can’t abide by malls. I think I will have to order online so I can make my choices in a calm, cool and collected manner :)

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec
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Ricky 15 years ago

So where are the pics of the tins =]

JacquelineM 15 years ago

I’ll have to take them with a quarter next to them so you can see the size. They are SO perfect for tea samples – no light or air to harm the tea and the perfect size!!

AmazonV 15 years ago

i highly recommend shopping online from teavana-and i am sure any of the tea bloggers would love you for your referral cuts too

the quiet life 15 years ago

I’m so glad you like it! :D And, despite having a Teavana so close to me too, I also bought mine online. I don’t like being pushed by sales people. :( (Though I hear they aren’t bad at the store near me. I just don’t want to risk it. :P) I’m pretty happy with most of what I got from there, though. :) (Plus, it ships from Connecticut within 24 hours, so it always arrives really quickly!)

And the tins are the 2oz size of “deep” tin at Specialty Bottle. :) I ♥ them too!

JacquelineM 15 years ago

AmazonV- my pleasure! :)

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Ricky -


You can’t see scale in the pic but as the quiet life told me, they hold about 4 tablespoons of tea. There are a lot of nice containers on this site!

AmazonV 15 years ago

ahem-look look! http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/02/specialty-bottle-supply-company-review.html – i went crazy and got multiples sizes the tall skinny tea tin is a very tight fight and a bit more narrow than teavana tins, the short squat ones works great for large items (like clementine pu-erhs) but needs to stack or i feel it’s wasting cabnet space, the little slat ones are just like ROT travelers tins and the short tall ones hold surprisingly a lot and i like them for swaps but am cheap and only bought a few and they are gone…

Ricky 15 years ago

Woah, those are a lot of tins. They even have clear lid ones!

JacquelineM 15 years ago

AmazonV – thanks for the review! It looks like they ship fast too :)

I was thinking of making my own tea infused vodka and I just love messing around with hand made toiletries and stuff so this is such a useful resource!!!

the quiet life 15 years ago

It took me a while to get mine, ’cuz they ship from Seattle, but the processing time was fast. :)

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2816 tasting notes

So this generous sample came from Ze_Teamaker – thank you!

I am enjoying this today like a chai, it’s nice with soymilk and some turbinado sugar. I’m getting a nice bit of ginger, cardamom and a bit of coconut, it’s good that these ingredients cover up the funky flavor that some rooibos blends can have. Overall this was fairly enjoyable and makes for a nice dessert tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec
Ze_Teamaker 13 years ago

Glad you like it!

Dylan Oxford 13 years ago


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541 tasting notes

Life update: I got a 4.0 this semester! This brings my GPA up to 3.81. I’m getting there! I talked to my professor yesterday and wow, do I have a long road ahead of me. I’m still planning on studying bioarchaeology and he suggested 4 schools for me to go to; all of which are far flung from where I live now. It makes me excited and nervous all at the same time.
I bought 2oz of this recently and holy cow, I am going through it so quickly! I really love this one. It has lots of spice and coconut notes. I would suggest this for nighttime sipping.

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Fjellrev 12 years ago

Yay, congratulations!

Tamm 12 years ago

Did your final end up being okay?

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Oh yes, thank you! I was stressing all for nothing. Got A+’s and A’s so phew. But I’m sure you know how it is. Constant stress with school.

Tamm 12 years ago

Wohoo!!! That’s great! It’s always like that, get super stressed over nothing. My husband gives me a lot of flack about it. It’s not even school atm and I’m stressed about school! lol

Fjellrev 12 years ago

It’s such a hard habit to kick, eh? No matter how many times you tell yourself to chill out, you’re still wigging out haha.

Tamm 12 years ago

I know! I get really emotionally and I hate eating when I’m like that. It causes everyone around me more stress than I have myself! I think that at this point there isn’t much I can do about breaking that habit.

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3294 tasting notes

This will be my final cup of the day. I’m really trying to hang in there for the end of the baseball game, but like a little kid, my eyes are drooping. We’re still leading, heading into the 7th inning…

Although the main thing I taste is the stevia I added, I can feel the ginger & a creamy texture that I love.

One of the reasons I’m not a big fan of rooibos is that some of it always seems to make it into my cup, & then it gets stuck to my tonsils. I use a finum basket, but somehow it still happens. It’s probably user error, as in I probably miss the basket a little, but I even rinse the cup out after I measured out the tea, just in case. Still, I can feel a piece of rooibos in my throat. eackck!

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LiberTEAS 12 years ago

this is not uncommon for rooibos. You might want to try the T-sacs for rooibos as it will keep the rooibos from getting in the cup.

MsWhatsit 12 years ago

I’ve not had this problem, but most of my rooibos has been in tea bags.

Of course, now that I’ve said this, it will probably start happening to me too. :o)
Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Liberteas: one more thing to buy, right? :)
MsWhatsit: Lol, sis!

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Whew! we made it through the 7th inning!

Azzrian 12 years ago

LOL good for you :) Now get some rest!

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

ackckckc….I’m on the edge of my seat here! They have one more at bat…

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

We won!! Yeah!! Now I can go to bed :)

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 4 or 5 heaping tsp
Water: 750 ml filtered water brought to 212°
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL
Steep Time: a little over 5 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: sweet, spice, nutty
Steeped Tea Smell: spice, nut
Flavor: apple, wood, almond, cinnamon
Body: Light
Aftertaste: sweet, then a bit of spice
Liquor: translucent orange-red

Gift from SoccerMom, a while ago, and I am just getting to it! (One would find it hard to believe but I am behind on tea drinking!)

Disappointed I wasn’t getting more coconut or ginger flavor as I enjoy both flavors. I am pleased it is reminiscent of amaretto (I adore Disaronno) – which is why it ended up on my shopping list to try in the first place.

I think it would need to be steeped longer to get more of a kick from it.

Overall a very enjoyable and only slightly rooibossy tea, but not one I think I will keep in stock, but I might pick up occasionally.

images: http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/05/teavana-loose-leaf-rooibos-tea-zingiber.html

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

The 4th line alone makes me love this tasting note:)

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

Ohhhhhh… you have your Breville… please post to my new thread about the differences between the Breville and Zarafina! I want to know so that I can make an informed decision for my birthday/mother’s day!!! I don’t want to choose one, and then wished I chose the other a month or so down the road…

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

haha! I just saw your post in the other Breville thread… I’m off to read your review of the Breville now! Thanks!

AmazonV 15 years ago

i haven’t compared them yet officially but the breville rocks the socks off the zarafina:
it’s easier to clean
it allows you more control over what it is doing
it BEEPS when it’s done
it has a keep warm function
it has an auto-on timer function to wake up to fresh tea

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

you had me at easier to clean!

Rabs 15 years ago

Oh my. The posting on your blog with all the photos? It was like tea porn. The slow unwrapping of the box… Again: Oh my. ;)

Seriously, I’m so excited for you!

AmazonV 15 years ago

@Rabs thanks! I love unboxing things! Moo.com is total win on enjoyable unboxing :)

AmazonV 15 years ago

Now what you all have been waiting for…
Zarafina versus Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL

JacquelineM 15 years ago


Ricky 15 years ago

One touch versus Zojirushi (instant hot water @ a temp)? Any comments? How well does Breville filter out something like rooibos?

AmazonV 15 years ago

@Ricky it depends on how fine the rooibos is chopped, this one had s bit sneak into the kettle and nothing noticeable into my cup

AmazonV 15 years ago

@JacquelineM blame your trees for not having one? silly trees :(

AmazonV 15 years ago

@Ricky I have never used a Zojirushi so not sure :(

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244 tasting notes

This is another one of those blends that taste good as long as you don’t know what they’re supposed to be. The description messes with your head, creating a pre-conceived notion of what to expect from the flavour, and that’s where things go a bit pear-shaped.

So let’s pretend that I received this blend in an unmarked tin. No name, no description. My nose tells me that this is likely a rooibos blend with almonds in it. The rooibos isn’t front and center, it mostly provides a foundation on which the tea’s flavour is built. There is a very clear amaretto fragrance, and since that fragrance isn’t exactly subtle, it is the one that really stands out. Without knowing otherwise, I probably couldn’t tell you what else is in here. I might guess at ginger, if my nose were feeling particularly on point that day.

Steeped, the tea tastes like amaretto rooibos. It’s got a little bit of heft to it and makes a nice dessert tea. But wait! What’s this? The tail end of the sip has a bit of a bite to it! And, wait for it, when it hits your stomach, a delicious warmth spreads outward from the point of contact. But…how? I don’t understand. Almonds alone wouldn’t have this effect.

At this point, let’s put an end to our little flight of fantasy and have a look at the ingredients. Why, look! There’s ginger in here, and coconut, and black pepper, and all sorts! The ginger and black pepper would explain that bit of kick and the warmth. It’s interesting that I can’t actually taste them, but I can feel the effect they have and appreciate their contribution to the blend. Noticeably absent, though, to my nose and tastebuds, is the coconut. I think I’d like to add some coconut flakes and grated ginger to my next steep, just to see if it helps this blend realise its full potential or if it just messes everything up. =)

Tea amount: 1 level tbsp
Water amount: 16oz./~475mL
Additives: ~1 level tbsp Demerara sugar
Caffeine: None
Dry mouth factor: 0/10

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec
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Terri HarpLady 13 years ago

That is a tasty tea! I usually drink it with stevia & coconut milk, & I also like to mix it from time to time with a really strong chair!

Nik 13 years ago

Coconut milk sounds like a good idea. I’m not really familiar with it, though. Do you have a brand preference? My mum and I both love coconut water and we’ve found that the brand really makes a huge difference. We’ve tried at least 5-7 different brands and have only found one or two that we think tastes “real” (despite the fact that they all claim to be 100% natural, no additives, etc.). I wonder if the same applies to coconut milk?

Terri HarpLady 13 years ago

Nik, I keep a drill (with a large drill bit in it) in my kitchen for drilling holes in water coconuts! I also have a cleaver for hacking them open after they’re drained. I used to drink that stuff every day! Did you know you can make a really awesome keifer with coconut water, & you can make yogurt with the ‘meat’? I haven’t done it lately, its more of a fall activity, like making homemade Kimchi & sauerkraut.

Anyway, the coconut milk I have right now is Native Forest Organic. It’s pretty good! Thai Kitchens also makes a decent one. I have made my own coconut milk, homemade is always better, & it’s not really that complicated, but there is something to say for convenience!

I will say this: Coconut milk in your tea is an acquired taste. It’s especially good in a Chai Latte. When you open the can, all the heavy cream is on top, solidified. Some people remove that & put it in a jar, dumping the rest of the thinner liquid, or using it in a smoothie or something. I usually put the unopened can in a bowl of hot water for awhile, allowing the cream to melt, then I shake it up real good before I open it. You can store it in a jar in the fridge, I think for up to 4 days or so. Give it a try!

Nik 13 years ago

Thanks so much, Terri, I really appreciate all the info. =)

Lynxiebrat 12 years ago

Zingiber is currently my favorite tea from Teavana’s. When I 1st smelled it, I smelled the sharpness of the ginger right off. Same with tasting it. And never gotten a Amaretto feel to it, just as well because for the most part, I am not an amaretto fan. I have had it with Almond milk which goes ok with it, but not much of a any kind of milk in my tea fan.

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328 tasting notes

this is one sweet tea and no sugar required. which is a plus for me since I have been trying to avoid sugar. the coconut and ginger taste is quite mild so the overall falvor is one of sweetness w/a tad bit of spice or perhaps coconut…

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464 tasting notes

Sample from “Another Traveling Tea Box??!?!?”

Got the tea box today when I got home and promptly sniffed every open tea. What fun!

I chose this one because it was the end of the day, so I figured would end with some rooibos I also brewed up a cup for my Dad and added a shot of rum to his to help with his cold. I admit I stole a sip of his and the pairing of rum and this tea is quite nice. Kind of like an extra-spiced rum. Lol!
The rooibos in this is creamy and the menthol action of the rooibos works well with the ginger to clear out my sinuses. The apples and coconut give the tea a fruity warmth. It’s like mulled cider with a tropical twist. This would make a great Autumn tea.

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141 tasting notes

The Teavana used car salesmanship really irks me but I have to admit that I’ve been really impressed with a few blends I recently received as a gift. This “red tea” may quickly become a favorite.

This is really fragrant. In fact, you can smell the ginger and cardamom through the sealed pouch. There’s a nice balance between the spices and coconut.

Prepared, this takes on a really unusual character. I expected it to be hot and spicy like a chai. What you first notice is the creamy fullness of the coconut oil, then a brief flash of heat from the ginger but then this ends with an interesting, lingering apple and cardamom flavor. It’s really cooling and calming.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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