330 Tasting Notes

drank Earl Grey by Kusmi Tea
330 tasting notes

My last sample teabag from the Kusmi order. Given the indignity of the office breakroom treatment – a packet of splenda and a tub of liquid Coffeemate. It tolerates that with a quiet dignity. There’s not a lot of bergamot, but for this treatment, it’s ok – strong earl greys don’t really taste that good to me when I don’t have actual half & half and real sugar or honey. I think I might have to put this on my shopping list and get a tin when I finally run out of all the other earl greys I have. That might take awhile though. Possibly decades. I have a lot of earl grey.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank White Monkey by Adagio Teas
330 tasting notes

Finishing up the last of the sample. At little bit bitter this time, but I used a tea bottle with a smallish basket, so the leaves didn’t have as much room for expansion.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Never trust those white monkeys! Tricky!


“Never trust a monkey” is one of my personal rules! :D

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I added this to my last Adagio order on a whim because the reviews sounded so interesting. I probably should have really waited to try this on a time other than on the heels of drinking Matcha. Took a few sips to wash out that taste. Not to mention the bouncing off the walls.

But, it is a nice rich black tea, that smells wonderful and tastes lovely straight, without cream or sugar. I will probably drink it the rest of the evening, continually topping the water in my tea bottle off, and not be able to sleep from the caffeine buzz.

This was probably a really bad idea. But a really good tea!

Boiling 8 min or more

Netflix series …..you should be able to get through a whole one!

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drank Morning Matcha by Matcha Source
330 tasting notes

I love the process of making tea with Matcha. I make only 3 or 4 oz at a time, so it’s a quick drink, but that’s all right, it’s part of the “ceremony.”

Sifted the matcha, whisked it, and drank it down. I used more than I normally do, and I am now WIDE awake and ALERT. It kicks in quick too.

I was actually going to try making a green tea frappe, but then realized that I’m out of milk and really low on half & half, and my honey is crystallized. Whoops.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Ancient Pu-Erh by World Market
330 tasting notes

Tried this last night, when i was having some digestion issues. I was not fond of the scent or taste. It has a fishy/seaweedy taste. It reminds me or nori. I wasnt fond of it at all. But it did make my tummy feel better.

I might try a higher quality Pu-Erh. Just to say i did.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec

Good idea and give it a quick 20 second rinse then steep it. I think it will be an improvement. Many people like it sweet or with milk at first like coffee, which was the case with me.


Thanks Bonnie! I’ll try that.

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This is my second brew-up of this. The first time, I couldn’t get to Steepster to record it.
This was originally in my stack of “I’m not so sure about this” due to the heavy floral scent (big surprise, floral scent in something called Bouquet of Flowers, hey?). But it brews up quite lovely with sugar and cream. Just right for a lazy morning.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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We have had this for probably a year now, and I use it constantly. It’s awesome except for one thing… the INFERNAL BEEPING. It makes the most annoying piercing beeps, whenever it can.

It has temperatures for different teas (and other beverages) on the side, which I like when a reminder is needed.

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This is my daily go-to at work for brewing tea to drink straight (no sugar or cream).

Fits well in my hand
Doesn’t leak unless you turn it all the way over
I can brew one batch of leaves in the cup, and still have more in the lower compartment for being on the go on a long day
Fine mesh strainer doesn’t let anything through
Insulates very well – I don’t burn my hand, and it stays fairly warm for a decent period

Can’t remove leaves from bottle after brewing
Small bottom interior means I can’t fit my hand down in for thorough cleaning
If you take it all the way apart for washing, it’s hard to get it dry, and you end up with moisture/steam between the walls

I’ve got a green one with leaves printed on it – there’s a blue one as well. I got mine on Amazon.

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Finished up my Traveler’s Tin today by brewing the last 2 bags at one time (a good tip from the first tasting note on this tea’s page. It makes it tolerable. I just didn’t like it brewed with one bag.

Drinking iced from my Lock & Lock bottle.

And the good part is that I now have the cute little travel tin to reuse. I was able to peel the labels off pretty cleanly, and I think some rubbing alcohol might clean the little bit of goo that’s left so I can make my own labels for it, and try carrying some loose tea in it. Might have to air out a bit first – the tin smells of ginger, which is odd since I could never detect it in the brewed tea!

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Almond by Adagio Teas
330 tasting notes

I got a sample pouch of this on the order before last, and have had it a couple of times since. There’s probably about 2 “servings” left after this, though each of those will get steeped multiple times.

The dry leaves smell strongly of almond, but there aren’t any actual almond pieces in my sample. It smells sweet.

Brewed, it’s not bitter, but it is slightly astringent.

I tossed it in my Lock & Lock bottle this morning, and will feed it water through the day, drinking it unsweetened.

Decent basic tea with a little bit of flavor.

190 °F / 87 °C 8 min or more

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When I was a very young child, I swallowed an ice cube whole. It got stuck in my throat, and my mother had me drink hot tea to melt it away. That started a love affair with tea that has never abated.

I dabbled with Celestial Seasonings and other grocery store teabags for awhile, in my young and foolish days. But a few years ago, I received a tea of the month subscription from Adagio, and I found that there was a whole other world of tea out there that I had never experienced.

I love drinking tea, and I love the personal ceremony of making a glass or pot of tea for myself. It’s like a meditation.


DFW, Texas

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