White Monkey

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Savory, Vegetal, Fruity, Mango, Strawberry, Bitter, Pear, Flowers, Herbaceous, Grass, Hay, Honey, Astringent, Smoke, Spinach, Floral, Grain
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec 42 oz / 1241 ml

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71 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Trying to get around to reviewing things that I’ve neglected lately, so I finally opened this sampler package. Delicate looking fluffy greens, aroma of sweet clover. I just took the last sip. Mild...” Read full tasting note
  • “I wasn’t looking to add a tasting note when I decided to make this. The downside of my Zojirushi is that once my temp is set to 175, I really have a hard time justifying bumping it up to 205 for...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I just returned from the gym and a hard core workout that was fueled by some dark Yorkshire Harrogate which I am so in love with. But I needed a green soft tea for my palette and I chose this...” Read full tasting note
  • “The leaves smell perfect – that buttery toast scent. And I love how cute and curled and twisted the leaves are. I smelled the liquor as it was brewing – it went through a couple interesting...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Green tea (do not be confused by its name) that grows along the slopes of the Taimu mountains in the Fujian province of China. The young leaves and unopened buds are carefully gathered and processed exclusively by hand. The result is a tea that appears intricately woven with large and beautiful white tips. It produces a very light cup that is noticeably sweet, and infused with a fresh, delicate scent.

$7/2 oz

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

71 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Trying to get around to reviewing things that I’ve neglected lately, so I finally opened this sampler package. Delicate looking fluffy greens, aroma of sweet clover.
I just took the last sip.
Mild taste of alfalfa, slightly sweet, very bland compared to the other greens I’ve been drinking of late.
Now my mouth is dry.

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K S 12 years ago

Interesting you aren’t too impressed – White Monkey is one of my favorites as it tastes close to a white tea.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Don’t take my review too seriously! I’m not a huge fan of white teas. I used to really like green tea, & I still enjoy some here & there, but I mostly prefer the darker brews. :D

K S 12 years ago

What I mean by interesting is how differently each of us perceive and taste. For me personally traditional breakfast tea is the least interesting type of tea. I can barely tell one from another. I do love a good Yunnan black though.

The differences are what makes tea so interesting. The same basic leaf produces so much wonderful variety.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Oh, I totally agree! The endless variety is one of the elements of tea drinking that definitely has ME hooked!
Also, some days I might really appreciate a certain tea, other days not so much. So even my perceptions change! (Probably depends on who’s running the show: Little Terri, Ms Theresa, or some other random persona, LOL).

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158 tasting notes

I wasn’t looking to add a tasting note when I decided to make this. The downside of my Zojirushi is that once my temp is set to 175, I really have a hard time justifying bumping it up to 205 for one cup of black tea, because it takes what seems like ages for the temperature to go down again…so I wind up looking for other teas I can drink at a lower heat setting. I hadn’t had this one before, and it sounded like a good, mellow choice for a cup of tea to watch the sun come up with (on the tail end of a long stretch of consciousness, having been up all night).

It’s good. I like it. The other notes have said virtually everything that I could say about it — sweet, vegetal, light — with the exception of the fact that I got a slightly smoky scent at one point that made me wonder if I was losing my mind. Of course I think it’s not smoky in the least — it’s just the vegetal note — and for one odd moment my tongue misreferenced. Strange. It seems to combine good, basic green tea flavor with some qualities of white tea that I like, so while I doubt I’ll ever be ranting or raving about it, it surprised me with how much I liked it. Enough to write this very unambitious tasting note, at least! Perpetually drinkable.

The cup brews to a rather pretty light yellow. First steep was sweeter, second steep is still good. I’m not sure how many more I would take it to, though.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Angrboda 15 years ago

Clearly the problem with your kettle (I assume it’s a type of kettle) is that you need one more. :)

Ricky 15 years ago

So that’s how zojirushi works! Haha, I’m tempted to get one. I thought you could click a button and it would immediately pour out water at whatever temperature you specified.

Auggy 15 years ago

A friend of mine demands a lot of quick temp changes from her zojirushi and so to make it drop down quickly after a reboil, she adds some fresh water to it – a cup or so at the time – to make it drop from 208 to 175 quickly. I’ve done it a couple of times and it is SO much better than the waiting (because yeah, it can take forever!)

sophistre 15 years ago

Angr: If they weren’t so freakin’ expensive and they didn’t have a non-trivial footprint on my counter, I would possibly consider a second one…but…that is just lazy on my part, and patience is a virtue, or somesuch. ^^

Ricky: It was totally worth it, to me! I adore it. Unfortunately not…it boils the water, then decreases to 205 (or your selected temp…there are 4).

Auggy: I’ve done that! I usually add more when it gets to be down around half full…but mine always seems to want to reboil. Maybe I add too much too fast and it goes below the lowest temp…hrm. I’ll have to try adding less.

Auggy 15 years ago

Ah yes, the (occasionally annoying) automatic reboil. I feel you pain on that one. If you’ve never tried it, when you’ve got it set on a lower temp and it is trying to reboil then cool you can unplug it when it is close to the selected temp, wait a few seconds, then plug it back in and it will stop the reboil and switch settle on warm. Sometimes annoying quirks aside, I adore my Zojirushi. Such a wonderful thing.

sophistre 15 years ago

Huh! I’ll have to try that, too. Really it’s not the biggest deal to wait it out, I just get impatient. ^^ I adore it. I missed it so much when I was on vacation!

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36 tasting notes

So I just returned from the gym and a hard core workout that was fueled by some dark Yorkshire Harrogate which I am so in love with. But I needed a green soft tea for my palette and I chose this one because I’m running out of greens and its only 1 of 2 I have left. Genuis I know. I’m very pleased…I let the brew cool more which is what I’ve been working on lately after continuous attempts at sipping it hot and not getting a burnt tongue. Well my attempts were futile to say the least! So now I’m detecting so many different notes with this tea that I’m finally letting roll around my mouth and REALLY taste for a change. WOW! DUH. I thought I just liked everything hot hot hot, but I’ll leave that to The Cure for now. There is such sweetness apparent now! I taste a sugar cookie like taste with this tea and its really good! Subtle and sweet and just plain good. I’ve taken it thru 2 steeps already with great results and am hoping for a 3rd. Yum…just a delicate sweetness of a biscuit and honey…good times. Third times a charm right? Let me go see..

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec
Ricky 15 years ago

I had this yesterday and I loved it!

takgoti 15 years ago

This does sound delicious. With Steepsterites’ powers combined, I may accumulate enough Adagio tea wants to justify an order.

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124 tasting notes

The leaves smell perfect – that buttery toast scent. And I love how cute and curled and twisted the leaves are.
I smelled the liquor as it was brewing – it went through a couple interesting cycles. First it smelled just a buttery and wonderful as the leaves did. Then it went through a bitter cycle and then caramel notes came out. I’d be interested to try this next time, stopping it after 1 minute.
The final scent of the liquor is a caramel creamy scent.
The flavor I found lacking. None of the butteryness or creaminess came through. There was some nuttiness, but in a more bitter way than I like. The aftertaste has some nice mellow nutty notes though.

Geeze, what is it with me and being so critical? Am I too picky? I think I’m just comparing all teas to the one incredible tea I had a few years ago. I had a small sample of Jade Tie Guan Yin from teaspring and no other tea I’ve had recently has been as good. Yes, it was an oolong and this is a green so it’s not a fair comparison but it was just such an example, to my palate, of a really complex interesting tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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111 tasting notes

I’m having a green tea type of day. Not really I just got in my adagio sample order in which I ordered several different samples of green tea. This one is slightly sweet and has the faintest hints of butter when I do that slurpy thing with my mouth. I like it but do not love it.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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~lauren. 15 years ago

If you don’t mind me asking, I hope all is better with Massimo?

SoccerMom 15 years ago

Lauren, Massimo is doing soo much better we suspect that he was dehydrated (plus he’s old). I work from home and am always available to take him out for water but the night he fell sick I had been out in meetings ALL day and so I think he may have dehydrated. He has so much facial skin/dewlap that you can’t just leave a big bucket of water in the house or you’d come home to one disgustingly gross and wet house. Thank you so much for asking I do appreciate it! :)

Lori 15 years ago

What a relief!! So glad to know he is doing better…..

SoccerMom 15 years ago

Thanks I told him you all were asking about him and he looked happy about it. ;)

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314 tasting notes

Savory, steamed veggie-like aroma. Starchy like a boiled potato.

Fresh, green leaf taste. Somewhat bitter. Very light. More boiled potato manifests itself, as it cools. But it stays amazingly fresh and green in flavor—like I can almost detect the chlorophyll.

Pretty satisfactory tea experience. It’s tasty, but a bit too mild for me. I will definitely finish up my sample tin, though.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Seemed very refreshing to me this morning! :)

Teafreak 15 years ago

If you enjoy white monkey you should try my blend, snow white: http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/blend.html?blend=276&sid=02b227fe334f6fba53236fcf5b261f56&scrollTop=0

It’s a mix of white monkey and snowbud, and I think it is a great combination

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

I actually have that one on my ‘list to try in the future!’

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15 tasting notes

The leaves are absolutely beautiful with the mix of green and white slightly crumpled curled forms. The scent dry was of a nice green tea with bit of “grass”(vegetal?) edge to it. When wet, the leaves smelled light, sweet, slightly grassy. I found this tea lovely through the whole pot, since instead of like so many greens, the grassy note is not allowed to become the loudest, and instead as a note in the harmony of the drink.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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Wonderfully sweet and vegetal with just a hint of a buttery note. I love playing with the curly leaves before steeping and the fat, juicy buds afterwards.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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87 tasting notes

When I think about a generic Chinese green tea, this exact flavor profile jumps to mind: slightly sweet and smoky with a vegetal background. There is absolutely nothing memorable about it but it isn’t unpleasant either. This particular tea is also on the mellow side with the dry finish that bites you on the tongue after each sip.

The second infusion is virtually identical to the first and I didn’t like the tea enough to go on with the third. The leaf looks and smells nice, the value is here but still the flavor is awfully boring.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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