oh man..today is a super busy day. I’m trying to wrap up things at work, run errands, get ready for vacation and in the midst of all of this, i’ve had 3 people approach me about possibly applying for other jobs. sooo yay? but OMG SO BUSY!

trying to get in some tea drinking though since i need the water/liquids and because i’m not sure how much i’ll get in over the next few days. still enjoying this but i’m having trouble lately as i’m bored with a lot of my teas.


w00t for potential job switches!


yeah here’s hoping…


I’m sending positive thoughts your way. You deserve better!


Good luck with the jobs! Have fun on your vacay :)

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w00t for potential job switches!


yeah here’s hoping…


I’m sending positive thoughts your way. You deserve better!


Good luck with the jobs! Have fun on your vacay :)

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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