mmmmmm delicious! working from home today so i’m trying at least a couple of the samples dexter sent my way since i have time to enjoy them…sort of haha
there are malt notes in this tea and some underlying chocolate notes that are very faint i had a couple steeps of this one and it was thoroughly enjoyable. This would be one that i would consider picking up if i place an order through streetshop88 :)
I just checked out their ebay store after reading this note. I’ll have to add them to my ‘favourite sellers’ list. All the tea looks so good!
yeah allank? i think and dexter have ordered from them…i have not, but these samples are tasting delicious!
DeliriumsFrogs – I’ve just ordered once – two teas and a teapot – fastest shipping ever from China. Ummmm – I would like to put a little care package together for you. I can include some of this in that. Will talk later…
Sil – I found this one changed drastically with different steep parameters – water temp really brought out different flavors. I think boychik has also ordered from Streetshop88 – allank for sure :)
“mmmmmm delicious! … thoroughly enjoyable. This would be one that i would consider picking up if i place an order through streetshop88 :)”
Sounds great! So why only an 85?
honestly? as with all my ratings…because that’s how i felt lol my ratings are a spectrum of the teas i’ve had and i try to drop them in against other teas.
Personally, I’m always careful about rating something that I’ve only had once, and only have enough to try once – I wouldn’t want to rate it too high because I’m in a great mood, and then find that the tea itself doesn’t meet my expectations later on if I get more. An 85 still sounds like a should buy though. :P
yeah no worries loosetman. sometimes i just want to remove my ratings…but then they help me figure out rebuys so i don’t
Thanks, whatever works for you.
Since there’s nearly an infinite selection of teas in the world:
When tea reviews include a rating, I tend to focus on those rated 90 and above, like an interviewer faced with hundreds of resumes to consider and a limited amount of time to devote to the task. However, many times the language and tone of the review appears to be more positive than the numerical rating. Thus, sometimes asking clarifying question leads to an enlightening and enjoyable dialog.
totally get that loosetman! :) sooo many teas…so little time! on that note…highly recommend the puerh i had today. heh
I just checked out their ebay store after reading this note. I’ll have to add them to my ‘favourite sellers’ list. All the tea looks so good!
yeah allank? i think and dexter have ordered from them…i have not, but these samples are tasting delicious!
DeliriumsFrogs – I’ve just ordered once – two teas and a teapot – fastest shipping ever from China. Ummmm – I would like to put a little care package together for you. I can include some of this in that. Will talk later…
Sil – I found this one changed drastically with different steep parameters – water temp really brought out different flavors. I think boychik has also ordered from Streetshop88 – allank for sure :)
“mmmmmm delicious! … thoroughly enjoyable. This would be one that i would consider picking up if i place an order through streetshop88 :)”
Sounds great! So why only an 85?
honestly? as with all my ratings…because that’s how i felt lol my ratings are a spectrum of the teas i’ve had and i try to drop them in against other teas.
Just curious as your description sounded so good. No offense intended.
Personally, I’m always careful about rating something that I’ve only had once, and only have enough to try once – I wouldn’t want to rate it too high because I’m in a great mood, and then find that the tea itself doesn’t meet my expectations later on if I get more. An 85 still sounds like a should buy though. :P
yeah no worries loosetman. sometimes i just want to remove my ratings…but then they help me figure out rebuys so i don’t
Thanks, whatever works for you.
Since there’s nearly an infinite selection of teas in the world:
When tea reviews include a rating, I tend to focus on those rated 90 and above, like an interviewer faced with hundreds of resumes to consider and a limited amount of time to devote to the task. However, many times the language and tone of the review appears to be more positive than the numerical rating. Thus, sometimes asking clarifying question leads to an enlightening and enjoyable dialog.
totally get that loosetman! :) sooo many teas…so little time! on that note…highly recommend the puerh i had today. heh
oh, wow, Dexter! What can I do for you??!!
delirium…don’t send her tea LOL
LOL Sil is correct – the best thing would be nothing at all. :))