drank Antarctic Expedition Tea by Silk Road
15575 tasting notes

sipdown yes with maple syrup. happy tea times rolled into crappy day :)


Sipdown? Already?!


uh yes kittenna…that’s how things work…we buy tea…we share it, we drink it…we finish it lol




…it’s also why my oldest tea is from february.. of this year.


I think I need to make that my next goal. And maybe I’ll allow myself to dump some of my 1.5 year old tea!

Terri HarpLady

Cavo, I finally dumped the last of my peach oolong, which was old enough to be considered a good puehr, if it has been aged properly…& was made by the right people…with the right tea…uh….sorry, I just woke up…from some crazy bizarre dreams…
Anyway, it now resides in my compost pile, where it will become an amazing shu, of sorts, for my garden, & when it rains, it will create a different kind of tea, & my plants will love it!

Terri HarpLady

Now I want pancakes with maple syrup & bacon…sigh…


i am doing my best to try and make sure my oldest tea is only a year old.


That’s a good goal, Sil. One I think I should work on as well. :)

Terri HarpLady

Not counting puerhs, of course!


Terri – I bet that felt great just letting it go. :P There might be a tea or two that I need to just get rid of due to age but I’ll give them all a last cup just to be sure. But I don’t want to hold on to tea that I don’t enjoy and will never drink either (if it’s stuff that won’t make a good freebie).

Sil – that’s a great goal. One year should be even enough to get through a tin of my Damn Fine Tea’s. The really OCD part of my brain wants to go through my old email receipts so that I can backfill the order dates on my spreadsheet for my older teas. :P


lol i’m just adding in a general month/year to my spreadsheet…the cupboard does a decent job, but only if i remember to take teas out, before adding in the restock of a tea i reordered. I’ve also started to write the month on the teas in my cupboard as i get them so i see it as soon as i open my cupboard. :)


Oh, I like that plan, Sil! Here’s me, going and labelling all the new Verdant teas in my cupboard. :)


haha silly goose

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Sipdown? Already?!


uh yes kittenna…that’s how things work…we buy tea…we share it, we drink it…we finish it lol




…it’s also why my oldest tea is from february.. of this year.


I think I need to make that my next goal. And maybe I’ll allow myself to dump some of my 1.5 year old tea!

Terri HarpLady

Cavo, I finally dumped the last of my peach oolong, which was old enough to be considered a good puehr, if it has been aged properly…& was made by the right people…with the right tea…uh….sorry, I just woke up…from some crazy bizarre dreams…
Anyway, it now resides in my compost pile, where it will become an amazing shu, of sorts, for my garden, & when it rains, it will create a different kind of tea, & my plants will love it!

Terri HarpLady

Now I want pancakes with maple syrup & bacon…sigh…


i am doing my best to try and make sure my oldest tea is only a year old.


That’s a good goal, Sil. One I think I should work on as well. :)

Terri HarpLady

Not counting puerhs, of course!


Terri – I bet that felt great just letting it go. :P There might be a tea or two that I need to just get rid of due to age but I’ll give them all a last cup just to be sure. But I don’t want to hold on to tea that I don’t enjoy and will never drink either (if it’s stuff that won’t make a good freebie).

Sil – that’s a great goal. One year should be even enough to get through a tin of my Damn Fine Tea’s. The really OCD part of my brain wants to go through my old email receipts so that I can backfill the order dates on my spreadsheet for my older teas. :P


lol i’m just adding in a general month/year to my spreadsheet…the cupboard does a decent job, but only if i remember to take teas out, before adding in the restock of a tea i reordered. I’ve also started to write the month on the teas in my cupboard as i get them so i see it as soon as i open my cupboard. :)


Oh, I like that plan, Sil! Here’s me, going and labelling all the new Verdant teas in my cupboard. :)


haha silly goose

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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