Terri was getting on my case for not having tried the two teas that tastybrew sent in our BBB Box that we’re sending around. (even though i only got it friday!!! and it’s already out the door!) sheesh! So i packed this up in the travel mug today. Sadly though, as often it happens with work, it got busy and i wasn’t able to jot my notes down. I remember being pretty happy with this one as it’s not a malty black (which i also love, but have a bunch of..) instead it’s a sweet-er black…but not sweet like stacy’s high mountain tea. it was different…and good. More to come when i get to drinking it when i’m NOT at work :) Thanks for participating in the fun girls!
3 min, 0 sec
This is a interesting & kind of fruity for a black tea, IMO. Glad you got to try it, & it’s nice to have enough to try at least a few more times!