15131 Tasting Notes


I’m not sure how i feel about this tea. Man does it smell when you open the package. It’s also got a bit of a weird taste to it that i can’t place. it’s completely a factor of the tea, but again i’m just not sure how i feel about it. I feel like maybe it’s a better cold brew tea with a bit of sweetner to smooth things out. Least i’ve got more to try out.

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drank Citrus Dream by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

Backlog I had this the other night to try and help me get to sleep. Work’s been a little crazy these days and I discovered that this tea makes me sleeeepy! I’m ok with that as it’s a really tasty tea that is fantastic. Nice to have a great cup of tea before drifting off to bed.

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drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
15131 tasting notes

Oh yeah… that’s right. What’s better than cheesecake or caramel matcha? CHEESECAKE CARAMEL MATCHA! Hells yes! After yesterday’s fiasco i needed a double dose of goodness this morning to kick start my day. Since i couldn’t decide which one i wanted, i tossed both into my smoothie this morning. Best. decision. ever. yes that’s right..two tasting notes. one for each. because today? today is all about doing whatever i want. so ha! :)


I have some flavoured matchas I want to try :) What sort of smoothie do you suggest? Or just throw some fruit in and hope for the best hah?


Oh man, I’m so desperately interested in trying that matcha, but I’m such a newb I’m scared to order a whole batch! More reviews like this and I may have to take the plunge.


@Elizabeth. I am not a matcha fan but even I enjoyed the caramel matcha. If you like flavourings, go for a stronger level to make it more yummy. If you like green tea, maybe go for a bit less. It’s a good one to cut your teeth on!


Courtney – So I don’t like straight matcha + water. Anytime i have matcha it’s always either as a latte or a smoothie. For the smoothie I basically just toss it in the blender with milk and ice, though I’ve discovered that I like the texture that a frozen banana adds to them as well. Sometimes i’ll add other frozen fruits in as well – blueberry + vanilla matcha + frozen peaches makes me pretty happy

Elizabeth – I was the same way, only started drinking matcha a few months back. I don’t like the flavour so 90% of my flavouring through red leaf is robust or at least distinctive. Caramel seems to be a good starting point for most people. If you don’t want to invest a bunch of money into trying it, you could use the red leaf discount code that a few of us have which will get you 50% off an order (the best sale i’ve seen so far) for new customers. Mine’s DYH75 if you decide to try it and the discount helps ease your fear of not liking it. Happy to chat any time too if you have questions/things to ask about it.


Wow, I really want to try this!!!

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15131 tasting notes

Oh yeah… that’s right. What’s better than cheesecake or caramel matcha? CHEESECAKE CARAMEL MATCHA! Hells yes! After yesterday’s fiasco i needed a double dose of goodness this morning to kick start my day. Since i couldn’t decide which one i wanted, i tossed both into my smoothie this morning. Best. decision. ever.

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i wish i could say more but 12+ hours on a call today listening to ppl talk non stop…my head is screaming. good tea. needed something to relax with. hope tomorrow is a better day and that they fix all the issues by the time i have to call back at 9 pm lol

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drank Black Currant Bai Mu Dan by 52teas
15131 tasting notes

Cold brewed this and it’s official. I’m done with this. Still a small bit left that I’ll toss into my sample box, provided of course I can ever get the post office to actually deliver to me. nothing sucks more than having the other person who sent me teas feel bad because the mail system can’t get their shit together.

Iced 7 min, 45 sec

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Sitting on a call for 5.5hour (and counting) is ZERO fun when you have actual other work to do and can’t leave to go make tea. As a result this one is a little lukewarm because i’ve been holding off drinking it because once it’s gone..i’ve got NADDA at my desk until we fix this issue.

I can get behind this tea, even if the hibiscus makes this more of a sour peach kind of tea. I still enjoy this quite a bit, though i suspect that this would be amazing in summer with a bit of sweetner.


that sounds painful. Not to mention… what about pee breaks??? lol

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So i have to say that I’m really glad that this darjeeling is a decent cup of tea. I was a little worried that I was not going to love them, since the first few that i’ve tried, I haven’t liked. This one though, is a pretty tasty cup! It’s not my favourite black tea but this is still an enjoyable cup. I’d love a bit more robustness from this but the tea is smooth and tasty.

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15131 tasting notes

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drank Blueberry Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15131 tasting notes

mmm nothing says hello morning like a blueberry cheesecake matcha smoothie and a system crash at work lol This is about 50/50 with blueberry and cheesecake so in theory i could log this as cheesecake as well. I’m really enjoying the combo of the two :)


Mmmmmm, blueberry cheesecake….

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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