15131 Tasting Notes

drank Creme Brulee Black Tea by Simpson & Vail
15131 tasting notes

mmmm I can’t recall if this was one of the teas I purchased or just one that kittenna let me sample. I know…that’s bad lol In either case, thanks go to her for getting this into my life :) One thing i’ve learned about S&V teas is that they are SMELLY! haha I’ve had to lock all the ones i received into tupperware containers so that they don’t dominate the entire house. However, they also, appear to taste exactly like they smell.

This one, is quite yummy, though I’m not sure i’d call it creme brulee exactly. It’s sweet…and caramelly and there’s a vanilla/custardy sip at the end of this. But it doesn’t scream creme brule to me. it IS however a delicious tasty dessert tea. :)


Also a purchase! Haha. I also don’t recall thinking creme brulee, but liking it.

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I figured i’d better give this a shot since it’s out to at least Kittenna from the weekend and i haven’t even tried it yet. I can’t remember what prompted me to pick this one up when i was in sanfrancisco as i wasn’t even really sure about my tea preferences, but pick it, i did.

I must say that i guessed on the amount of tea to put in this one since i don’t have a scale (shush kittenna!). Whatever the case though, it’s turned out quite nice. This tea is unbelivably sweet, but not in an artificial way. It’s not a strong, bold black…instead there’s a fruity, breadiness? to the tea. There’s no bitterness. I’m not entirely sure how to describe this…in part because we’re having system issues at work again and i’m focused on that. I’m looking forward to a few additional steeps tonight when i get home though. I also really want to do this in a gaiwan when it comes because i think this will be a much more interesting experience that way.


I’ve had this too and it’s really good!


I think Raritea grabbed some as well. Hopefully I will try mine soon – this is a high rating from you! :P


I did take some and now I’m more excited than ever to try it!


Bonnie – yeah i saw your tasting note. I couldn’t do this nearly the justice that you did heh.


I have some formosa you might like Sil, it’s a bit old but its yours if you want it!


Sil, I tend to blab on when I enjoy a good tea!

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drank Boo-Berry Cotton Candy by 52teas
15131 tasting notes

Heh sip down! Thanks to raritea for this one. It’s one that I missed out on picking up when it was reblended and I always regretted it. Raritea was nice enough to let me satisfy my curiosity. I can safely say that I’m glad I didn’t pick up a package of this. While its a pleasant enough tea, I’m not really feeling the whole cotton candy or blueberry in the intensity that I’d like for this kind of blend. Instead it comes across as a a tea stuck trying to be both and not really succeeding in doing either really well. Now, that being said, its still an enjoyable tea that im glad I got to try :) plus its a green tea!

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This was a little bitter today, or at least had a bit of bitterness behind the tasty caramelness of the tea. I may have steeped this a bit long though since it was at work and I was distracted. Still a decent blend and something that i’m going to enjoy figuring out how to best brew.

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
15131 tasting notes

My tastebuds seem to be back to normal, or at least mostly back to normal for black teas so I thought i’d chance a bit of my sample from Hesper June today because I’ve been dying to try them since they arrived!

I have to say this is a pretty tasty tea. I’m digging the chocolatey hazelnut flavour that’s not too in your face but is still strong enough to appreciate. There’s not “artificial” taste to this tea which is great. I think i was expecting a bit more chocolate than is present but it’s still a great cup of tea!

Thank you so much Hesper June for letting me try this one! I’m excited to try the others that you sent me :)

Hesper June

You are welcome! I am so glad you liked it:)

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drank Yu Lu Yan Cha Black by Verdant Tea
15131 tasting notes

I absolutely will not do this justice wiht this tasting note as I’m at work and brewed this western style. I fully intend to do more steepings tonight when i get home, as well as try this gonfu style once my gaiwan arrives..but for now, this is what i have!

This isn’t a malty tea for me. There’s a definite chocolate feel, but different from laoshan black or some of the other black teas i enjoy. As i sip this, there’s a note at the end of my sips that’s almost fruity, but i suspect is just the honey note coming through. (I’m still not sure my tastebuds are 100%) It’s not as rich and bold as other blacks, but it’s wonderfully smooth and delightful as i sip through this. It makes me wish i’d packed my leaves to bring to work for resteeps.

Edit: Some tasty re-steeps tonight that have really been enjoyable.

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drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
15131 tasting notes

Caramel PEACH! Peach you say? Oh yea…frozen peaches + milk + caramel matcha = deeeeeeelicious! I guess technically this is a mini sipdown because i was able to get through one of my packages of caramel matcha that i ordered but i still have a delicious, wonderful large in my cupboard to drink down. I’m still digging the caramel matcha so i strongly suspect that this will forever be a staple in my cupboard in terms of matcha – especially since you can mix it with so many things to make it extra yummy!

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drank Lil Leapin' Lordy Lou by Keen Tea Thyme
15131 tasting notes

Frustrated with steepster much today? Yeaaah…that’s me. So since this message will likely duplicate and/or not post or appear later after not looking like it appeared the first time. that’s all i have to say right this moment. See previous tasting notes as this is a really delicious blend :)


LOL I got a message from momo FOUR times!

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drank Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake by 52teas
15131 tasting notes

see previous entries. Had this one today since i figured the spices would overcome my tastebuds and not turn wonky. I was right! YAY!

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Having some of this in an effort to try and stick to teas that my tastebuds won’t find wonky. I really don’t want to waste any of my tea with not being able to taste it. I seem to be ok for spicier chai like teas and the darker, bolder teas. This is a bit off today but not to the point of being disappointed. I still love this tea and will continue to enjoy it! I really enjoy the flavour of it, though it’s not my favourite straight tea from stacy. :)


Doh! forgot to grab a sample of this one… or was it the Taiwanese we talked about?


i think it was the premium tawainese assam you were after trying…but i’m out until my order gets here this week


ah! yes I think you’re right. Lucky you got in before the shipping increase


I so should have nabbed a sample of this one from you, but by the time I saw it I was tired of bagging up teas and labelling them, haha. So lazy.


what you mean 2 hours was too much?


Haha, I was getting overwhelmed at the number of samples I was taking home! . So glad I only took a single cup’s worth of a bunch of things. I have these little tins from the advent calendar – next time i come over perhaps I’ll bring them and use them instead so I don’t have to waste bags! :D :D

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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