I’ve found myself drinking a lot more of this of late .. I don’t know if it’s the cold weather (it’s freaking freezing here atm!) or what, but that soothing buttery goodness is making me all nomnomnom .. I even prep’d a cup of Harney & Son’s Thai Green (similar butter profile) the other day trying to switch things up, but oh no, only the Coconut Cream Pie will satisfy this craving!
I’m just waiting for another interesting (fruitless) black to be blended before putting a re-stock order in ..
What ya think Frank, something sweet & decadent to warm us southern hemispherians up – I’m thinking white chocolate cheesecake – peanut butter & jelly – coffee, toffee & & cream – oh what about salty caramel ??
Darn, now I’m making myself hungry!