It’s been a weird week.
Last night, in a completely round about and accidental way I learned that my ex had got married recently.
This is not bad news! We broke up years ago, it was a very sad break up, but it was for the best, and he and I are still friendly. I’ve known about his girlfriend for ages, and I’ve always wanted him to have all he wants in life.
But it’s still an odd sensation. I was with him for the better part of a decade, and there was a long time that I thought that would be our future. I don’t regret anything about our relationship, or our break up, but it’s still something that has knocked me a bit unbalanced.
Oh, adulthood. There are a few weird nuggets in it, arn’t there? And emotions are weird!
But, there is tea. Yum. It’s finally cold enough to really get relaxed when I drink a cup of tea. We are heading into my favorite time of the year.
Big virtual hug to you, from another adult who is astonished by all of life’s weird nuggets…but embracing life anyway!
It’s unsettling to hear huge news secondhand. Hope you have some comforting blankie-and-tea time ahead this weekend.