431 Tasting Notes


Interesting. I didn’t get the caramel notes as discribed. My first reaction was that it tastes like a sort of light cider. Definitely something you could enjoy on a cold snowy day. Still usually on such days I prefer that which a bit heavier and this is clearly light. I got this as a sample from David’s Tea so I don’t have any more to experiment with but I imagine if made stronger with more tea and longer steep time perhaps I could have added honey and maybe a little milk but that would be reaching for me. Nevertheless, it was alright and I imagine I will not be trying this again because if I wanted to I’d have to purchase it unless they send me more with another order and I simply didn’t like it enough to order more.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I dislike this one. Blech


Wasn’t my favorite either. There are better cidery teas.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I agree guys. I will say though I desperately want to order from David’s again. Even made a wish list. Trying to resist the temptation.


Hahahaha, you should swap with someone with a whole whack of them instead (like me!)! Unless your list is full of favourites you want to restock :)


Rachel—I can totally swap some teas with you! I really need to create an excel spreadsheet with all of the davids I have. I have way more than what’s in my cupboard on here.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

It’s a great idea Krystaleyn and Erin, except honestly I don’t have many. I just started buying them. However, if I start collecting a lot I’ll definitely consider swapping. Most that I had tried previous were from swags which got me buying them now. :)

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This is just as discribed. I found the color once steeped to be very light. It was barely colored at all. Shockingly though there was definately flavor there. It was delicate, green, fresh, and just a touch nutty.

Although, it is good I like teas that are a touch more robust in flavor, even my greens. So perhaps I will fiddle a bit more with leaf quantity and steep times until I find what’s perfect for me.

175 °F / 79 °C

just came across your post on cold brewing from a few months back. Been looking for a comprehensive guide, one that I would be incapable of messing up! Thanks so much for the thorough report!

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I purchased this from the lovely KeenTeaThyme who has a site on www.Teatr.de it is one of her personally created blends.

First, I mixed up the bag since much of the ingredents decided to seperate. After doing so I decided to steep it in my Gaiwan. The dry leaf smelled wonderful. The strongest scent was the bits of strawberry. I do love strawberry and this had a wonderfully juicy smell to it.

Once steeped I found the flavors to be nicely balanced. However, I was hoping for a stronger oolong flavor but it was to be expected that it wouldn’t since this blend did have a wide variety of ingredents. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant treat and I am glad I purchased it.

Picture: http://instagr.am/p/mRiCY/

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Well, looky there… It’s my 400th note. I really should have had more than this by now. I guess I’ve been a little lazy and a little slow. Here’s to moving it along in the future.


Congrats on 400!


I think I will be adding more oolong in my next batch. You’re not the first to recommend that. :) Glad you enjoyed it though! :)

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Having this a year later, new batch of course. I must it was a bit more enjoyable this time so I have bumped my rating up from 67. Goes to show how important it is to try from different harvests.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Thank you Teavivre for sending me this sample. It has been enjoyed. For a full review…


195 °F / 90 °C

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A surprising tea. Especially for a girl that isn’t particularly big on jasmine teas.

Video Review: http://iheartteas.teatra.de/2012/01/video-tea-review-jasmine-dragon-pearls-green-tea-teavivre/

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec

Love the video reviews! You speak very well – clear, easy to understand, great sound quality! I have terrible speakers and can hear you so well!

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So this wasn’t my cuppa. Solid but nevertheless.

A quick video review for your viewing pleasure…



I subscribed :)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Aww thanks. I’ve listened to your radio shows too. :)

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First, I’d like to thank Tea Forte for sending me this sample.

I found this tea to be very tart with a taste of blueberry in the background. I can tell why they call this a merlot. Being a wine drinker, I can taste hints of that merlot sort of flavoring. As for accuracy it is what it says it is. However, I do believe adding sweetner to this tea would actually enhance its flavor. I would imagine that the tartness would be deminished and the blueberry flavor stronger. Unfortunately, I usually don’t sweeten my teas and I didn’t make an exception this time either so as is this is not something for me but have high hopes that it can be worked with and as a result be more palatable.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Thanks BijaBody for sending me this tea to try. This is my first video review of any tea. I hope there will be more to come. Check it out…


Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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A basic overview of what comes with the Breville One-Touch Tea Maker and how it works. I had a few people that were curious about the basic so I put together a quick video I hopes will help to answer some questions.



I agree that it is a little difficult to clean, and the 500ml minimum got me at first too, but I’ve gotten used to that. But, my thoughts are this: It is a definite step in the right direction. If you go to any department store, in the housewares department you’re likely to find about a whole aisle dedicated to the various coffee makers out there, but, anything for tea? Maybe a couple of tea kettles, but that’s it. I love that some attention is being shifted to those of us who drink tea.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I completely agree LiberTEAS and that is precisely why I believe those to be minor drawbacks. Super minor setbacks. It is wonderful to finally see something for tea and something so phenomenal at that.

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Hi, my name is Rachana Rachel Carter. I am a long time tea addict, a bit of a geek, and as crafty as can be. When I am not running after the kids, changing diapers, and helping with homework I enjoy blogging about how tea applies to my life. For one, I am on a mission to get healthy while using tea every step of the way.

Visit my blog here: www.iHeartTeasTheBlog.com
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Chicago, IL



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