Premium Jasmine Dragon Pearls Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea Leaves, Jasmine Flowers
Grapes, Jasmine, Sweet, Toasty, Honeysuckle, Sugarcane, Fruity, Vegetal, Green
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 4 g 10 oz / 293 ml

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160 Tasting Notes View all

  • “SIPDOWN! I got up at 5 am to keep an eye on the new hen. When they are adjusting the pecking order, sometimes the newcomer or the smallest hen will get beaten up, but they have behaved themselves...” Read full tasting note
  • “Back to floral teas, eh? I am very excited to try this one because I loooove jasmine pearls. My favorite so far has been Harney & Sons, but I honestly haven’t gotten to try too many different...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sip down :( I spent the day with this most marvelous of teas. I remember when Angel first offered it to me. I almost turned it down. In fact I did turn down another jasmine green she offered. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am anxiously waiting for my next Teavivre samples, so I decided to drink my favourite of their teas today, this is still my free sample I recieved in march. I am upping the rating to 100 because...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Fuding, Fujian, China

Ingredients: Made from one bud and one new leaf, with obvious silver tips, hand rolled into a pearl shape

Taste: A bold sweet tea, with a subtle jasmine aroma

Brew: 1 teaspoon for 8oz of water. Brew at 176 ºF (80 ºC) for 1 to 2 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: Jasmine Dragon Pearl is a premium green tea, and so gives you all the great health benefits of any green tea. In addition it is also widely believed in China that the jasmine flowers themselves add some additional benefits, helping reduce depression and also helping with natural detoxification of the body.

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160 Tasting Notes

3481 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! I got up at 5 am to keep an eye on the new hen. When they are adjusting the pecking order, sometimes the newcomer or the smallest hen will get beaten up, but they have behaved themselves wonderfully. They didn’t even get up until 6 am today!

Another tasting note inspired me to make a pot of this, sit outside, and watch the chickens for a while. The wind is blowing and we are supposed to have a thunderstorm, so it is quite overcast and cloudy with sudden piercing beams of sunlight warming your arms and face. The dogwood trees are sprinkling us with petals and stamens and pistils as the wind ruffles through the branches.

I made three steeps so this is a little lighter than I usually drink it, though I did use extra pearls to finish them off cleanly. No fear. The tin is already refilled with Teavivire’s Superfine Downy Jasmine Dragon Pearls. My next purchase from them will be their Jasmine Silver Needle.

These are the jasmine teas I drink when I want to enjoy an excellent jasmine tea by itself. If I am having food, I drink Silver Jasmine Green instead of pearls.


What jasmine pearls that you have tried are your favorite so far?


I had the Harney and Sons pearls that most people love, but I didn’t like them as well. I have had both of Teavivre’s and loved them. I have had a few loose jasmine teas like Jasmine Black from Southern Season, and it was too perfume-y. Grace Rare Tea has a jasmine pouch one that is pretty good, but nothing touches Teavivre’s jasmines for me so far.


Cool! I’ve tried a few, Butiki’s organic pearls so far have been my fave. I haven’t tried any from Teavivre yet.


I have tried a few Jasmine scented teas before but never pearls. Is this one you would suggest to start with?


Absolutely! Did you know you can sign up on their site for free samples? Use your Steepster name where it asks about your blog. I love this one and the Jasmine Silver Needle most probably, though Superfine Downy Jasmine is amazing. I love Teavivre!


Love these beautiful pearls!


I am all over the free samples thing! Thanks for the tip!


Great! Thanks.

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2201 tasting notes

Back to floral teas, eh? I am very excited to try this one because I loooove jasmine pearls. My favorite so far has been Harney & Sons, but I honestly haven’t gotten to try too many different ones (which is partly because I am so pleased with Harney’s I don’t seek them elsewhere). Thanks to Teavivre, I get to try these pearls!

And it seems like I’m in for a treat; when I opened the package I was greeted by the most amazing jasmine aroma. Seriously honeysuckle aroma there, and rich, heady florals like sticking your head into a jasmine bush in full bloom. Yum. The liquor steeped to a pale golden yellow color, and it retains that honeysuckle-jasmine aroma, though in a more subdued way. There’s also something different about this jasmine aroma that I can’t quite articulate. Let me try: most jasmine seems “high” and “bright” in the aroma, like the equivalent of a soprano voice, but this jasmine has some serious “low” and “dark” notes in the aroma, like the equivalent of an alto or tenor, in addition to the usual high and bright notes that really make it a lush experience.

I was writing all that about the aroma, but it holds true for the flavor as well. The soprano notes are present right at the front of the sip, while the tenor notes grow at the tail end and in the aftertaste. The jasmine is lovely and fresh, and not overpowering or perfumy at all. I always look for a natural sweetness in the tea that reminds me of eating honeysuckle nectar, and it is lightly present here (especially as the tea cools), but not as much as I would have expected. Still, these are top notch jasmine pearls, and at just over $3/oz, they seem to be a bargain for the quality.

Added note: I had three extremely flavorful and tasty steeps (12oz each) of this tea before I got jasmined out. This tea definitely keeps going strong!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Speaking as a rusty alto, I like the description! (Now I’ll be humming all the good lines from “Hallelujah Chorus” all afternoon.)


I love the musical analogies—tea symphony! :)


Some people taste colors, apparently I taste sounds. :D


Never considered myself a tenor fan until now. Love the description.


Hmm … so … what tea would constitute (a) a rich, low Southern Gospel bass like whats-his-name from the Oak Ridge Boys (b) a really great scratchy pop voice like Rod Stewart or Joe Cocker. This will make me ponder all day!

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1719 tasting notes

Sip down :( I spent the day with this most marvelous of teas. I remember when Angel first offered it to me. I almost turned it down. In fact I did turn down another jasmine green she offered. I hate jasmine. Or I did. Or I still do, if it is that over-perfumed icky stuff in a bag from the grocery store. Its even been true of the few other loose leaf jasmines by other companies I have sniffed. But this, oh this, is so different. It is flowers and sunshine. Its’ taste reminds me of grapes. It is nectar. No it is Ambrosia. It is light and refreshing with a lovely green aftertaste. It is multiple steeps of delight. Oh sadness. After today it will be gone….. sigh. I must have more. The shelf life is three years. Jubilation! So what if I have 50 other open samples.


It is happy-in-a-cup. You really must get more. You can not be without it.


I thought the same about jasmine – until I had it in some really great teas! I love the SCENT of REAL jasmine essential oils though – just hate that fakey stuff! I do love their jasmine teas though!


I agree! How do you like this one compared to their jasmine silver needle?


I like this one better. The taste is close. Watching these things slowly unfurl during multiple steeps amuses me. On the silver needle I love white tea and find I want to taste it more. Fabulous tea – it is a mental thing. That make sense?

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1184 tasting notes

I am anxiously waiting for my next Teavivre samples, so I decided to drink my favourite of their teas today, this is still my free sample I recieved in march.
I am upping the rating to 100 because I love this tea so much! So smooth, sweet, not overly perfumey. And just what I needed on this dreary rainy day.
So soothing and relaxing…..going for a resteep now!……….sigh

Edit- I cold brewed the 3rd steeping of this tea for about 8 hours. This infusion was sweet and delicious with lots of jasmine still present. I am very happy about this!


I just asked for this as a sample and I am very excited to try it. My first Dragon Pearls ever. Your note just brightened my day with the thought of how lovely these will be =)


It is also really good cold brewed! I tried this jasmine tea for the first time cold brewed just now and it is delicious!

Daisy Chubb

mm I will try this cold brewed, thank you!

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807 tasting notes

A simply STUNNING and DELICIOUS beauty of a tea. Floral, sweet, and soothing! This tea really calms the nerves and relaxes you!
Steeps multiple times and is truly a beautiful tea to watch (glass pot recommended!)
There are just not many words that have not been said about this one. Its lovely. Get some!


This is the only jasmine tea i really like. :)


Really? I have a couple others here to sample – one is a Shang Jasmine Snow Dragon. I am not very experienced with Jasmine teas yet.


I’ve read reviews that claim this has a more mile Jasmine scent. I am definitely going to order some when I get around to it!


Yeah, normally I find them bitter and soapy


They can get bitter if you oversteep them. Soapy???? I know, some people describe lavendar as being soapy.

Hhmmm….next time I steep some Jasmine Pearls, I’m gonna focus on the ( i always do), but there’s got to be a way to relieve most, if not all the bitterness. At least for the first 2-3 steeps. Off the top of my head-lower water temp and steep time. Most people who don’t care fore Jasmines find them too perfumey. That’s what I thought you were going to say.


Azzrian…I MUST SAMPLE SHANG’S JASMINE TEAS THIS YEAR!! I always seem to forget…….


I do right around 180 two minute infusion on first steep 3 on second. But I am not that experienced yet.
Just realized I also have a jasmine from Little Red Tea Cup or something like that …will be a jasmine day for me until I get sick of jasmine lol but I want to be able to compare them all.


There are very few teas I get sick of and Jasmine is definitely not one of them. :))

Scott B

I have some of this on the way.


@ScottTeaMan – the shang sampler was 8.80 and SO worth it!


Thanks! I’ll check it out.


This is so delicious and sweet!

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557 tasting notes

This is the very last of my green jasmine pearls. I am probably going to drink this for the rest of tonight because I want to make sure that my pearls unfurl all the way. Especially since it is the very last of my packet that Teavivre sent to me. I have to admit, if they didn’t send it to me, I probably would have never tried a jasmine tea.

I put in more pearls than I usually do when drinking this. I have noticed that the recommended tea scoops normally fill up the bottom of my press, so I estimated the amount. I also steeped it shorter. The result is that the tea is lighter in color than I remembered, but so much sweeter! I learned how to steep by tea better over this last year.

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2816 tasting notes

I’m finally finishing the last of my sample this afternoon. It’s the best jasmine tea I’ve ever had. I normally hate jasmine tea but this one doesn’t make me feel like I’m sucking on a dry bar of soap.


I’m not sure I understand this “soapy” quality described for Jasmine and other floral teas, but some Jasmine Pearls (and teas) can be more floral than others. I haven’t met a Jasmine Pearl I don’t like! This is definitely on my list when I order from Teavivre. I’m glad you like it. :))

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62 tasting notes

I have to admit that I was skeptical of this tea since it is A) a green tea, and B) it has jasmine in it. Turns out my skeptisisms were unwarrented.
I brewed me up a large cuppa this golden/green colored drink merely so I could cross it off of my ‘possible teas’ list. As you can see by my opening statement it turns out that is in fact a possible drinker. I can’t say I’m in love with it, but given that I haven’t liked many greens or any of the jasmines I’ve tried it’s still fairing well enough.
First thing that came to mind on the first sip was buttery, real buttery. After that I found myself questioning what was different about the green flavor. Partly it was the addition of the jasmine, though that was pretty tame, yet there was something else difficult to nail down. It’s a kind of malty green hay thing that, again, is difficult to nail down.
There were some sweet notes present as well, but I didn’t get any of the fruity or honey I read others may have found. I steeped this one a few times and found that the distinctly different notes that jumped out in the first cup had all mellowed and melted into a harmony of flavors.
Even though greens aren’t typically my thing I must still comment on the qaulity that Teavivre delivers. The pearls were beautiful and unfurled into delicate slender leaves. Even though it was AZZ that sent me this sample I must add Angel to my gratitude for the opportunity to experience this tea. Azz you were very gracious to send me so many samples to learn from, and Angel you have made it possible for many people to experience your teas and to taste and see what it is that you offer. Thank you both.
tunes-Gactic,albums-From The Corner To The Block/Carnivale Electicos.


Teavivre is AWESOME! This tea is my soul soother.

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1112 tasting notes

This tea really is a tiny bit of heaven on earth, huh? I almost feel funny drinking it on a mere weekday morning. Perfect amount of jasmine – and a wonderful pastry jasmine — not perfume-y at all. The green tea is excellent. It’s beautiful to behold the pearls when you open the tin. It smells wonderful before, during, and after it is steeped. Again, I don’t do ratings, but this is so, so, so a 100.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

after drinking jasmine pearls, the only thing better is growing your own jasmine tree and seasonally plucking and scenting your own cup….totally agree

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6117 tasting notes

(Backlogged) morning tea, with brunch. I brewed the first infusion a bit on the light side (1 min) and then the second was a bit overdone, because I was playing with the cat. Still good though, and the parents enjoyed it (but it would have been better if I hadn’t screwed it up!)

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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