I pulled this teabag out of one of the traveling tea boxes and I’m actually glad that I remembered! I have a bad stomach ache tonight and need something soothing. I actually don’t have an herbal blend for these times, but I really should. I guess the herbs that are typically in those ‘tummy blends’ don’t appeal to me so I haven’t invested much time in finding a solid blend that will do the job and taste good.

This one is reasonably soft for the amount of herbs that are in it. It reminds me of Sleepytime tea without the strong minty note. To be honest, all of the flavors sort of mush together and shout together, “WE’RE HERBAL!” I like to think that it’s settling my stomach and before I know it, the cup is gone. This is a rather pleasant herbal blend for this evening — nothing too sharp or strong. I’m still on the search for a tasty tummy blend, but this was nice tonight!

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Tea (& Coffee) lover. Bookworm.

Favorite teas: Milk Oolong, Flavored blends, Dessert teas, Creamy Teas, Rooibos, Oolong, Black, Green
Dislikes: Spices, Peppery flavors, Cloves, Cardamom, Licorice, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Mate, Puerh, Chai, Ginger

My Rather Picky Ratings
90+ – Reserved for the very best! Always in the cupboard!
80-89 – Quite good! A very pleasing cup.
70-79 – Room for improvement, but not bad.
60-69 – Mediocre.
50-59 – Bad. Will not purchase.
49 & below – Depending on the more specific rating: Undrinkable. Yuck. Will not purchase.

Note: Teas in my cupboard are all of the teas that I’ve logged, regardless of their current presence in my actual cupboard. For an updated list on what teas I have available for swap, check out the swap thread and not my cupboard! Thanks!

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