Oh yum. A plain and simple and delicious assam.
I do like this tea. I added a bit of honey and did a shorter steep than usual. I think the last time I had this tea I was still loading everything up with milk and sugar. How things change. :)
It’s light and malty, with that touch of astringency assams have.
I’ll probably end up picking up more of this one when I replenish my herbals. Zen Tea’s prices are generally pretty good, and their shipping is super fast because they’re so close to me.
Drinking this one right after the Earl Grey definitely shows me that I’m not loving earl grey teas so much anymore. :( They were what I used to drink ALL the time! Earl grey with milk and honey. A GIANT mug. I’d either guzzle it or reheat it throughout the day.
Maybe I should pick up some Twinings, just to see?