1501 Tasting Notes
Uh… what? I kinda sorta get chai, zero pumpkin, and a really weird aftertaste… more cardboard? Seriously? And it smells like red hot candies. I don’t get it. Least fav of the DAVIDs pumpkin teas. Now all I want is more of the pumpkin cheesecake…
Flavors: Cardboard, Cinnamon, Creamy
The SSTTB got this into my hands, and while the concept was lovely? It tasted kinda, sorta like creamy cardboard. Not that I know what that actually tastes like…
Flavors: Cardboard, Cream
Hm. This is creamier than Pumpkin Cheesecake, and it’s… thickness?… lingers in my mouth. I don’t like it as much, it’s a bit cloying for me, without nearly enough spice to help me get through. I do love the garam masala addition – what a great idea! – I just wish it was more prominent in this cup. It is very, very creamy though. Shockingly so. I think a short steep and lower temperature is the best way to get a great cup from this, with some sweetener (6 drops of stevia, in my case).
I truly love this tea, and it’s surprised me. Out of the handful of new DAVIDs Teas that I’ve tried today, this is by far my favorite. I want to say it tastes like a pumpkin pie baked over an open flame, like a campfire, but not in a traditionally tea-smoky way. It’s the nutmeg, I’m sure…. plus I had it with a healthy dollop of cream (as the staffer suggested) and now it’s just plain decadent.
Flavors: Cream, Nutmeg, Pumpkin, Smoke
Definitely check it out. The longer steep really seemed to help, and it needs some sort of sweetener to make it pop. I just can’t brew the black version long enough to make it palatable.
Don’t go past go, or collect $200. Just don’t fucking do it.
I don’t remember ever having dragon fruit, although it’s in plentiful supply here in Vancouver (in season). I’ll definitely try out other options.. although I’ve been ignoring Teavana now for a while.
Staff at DAVIDs convinced me to come home with some of this. Sadly, to her a “sample” size was closer to 50g than 25g.. I don’t get it. ANYWAY.
Severely oversteeped (by an hour!) left this tart, sweet, and kinda prickly/burning – there must be strawberry flavoring in here, as I suspected when I smelled it. I get why the staffer called it “very much like honeydew”, if I’d steeped it probably, it probably would.
Flavors: Hibiscus, Honeydew, Tart
o_O 50g is not a sample. Particularly when DAVIDs can do as little as 10g, which is the quantity I now get for anything new, because too much tea.
Yum! Used three tsp (as per what OMGsrsly wrote right on the sample bag – thank you!) and it was delicious. I got less fluffy orange and more smoked orange though. No, wait. Sage orange. Yes, that’s definitely it. I’d order more of this were I to grab a bunch of things from Cornelia. Must admit I have a soft spot for them.. my first ever Tea & Coffee exchange on RedditGifts gave me a huge Cornelia Bean package of a variety of teas. Gosh, four, five years ago now? Someday, I’ll visit in person. Someday soon.
Flavors: Orange, Sage, Smoke
I love this tea. I love it so much that when I was in San Francisco a while back, I made a special trip to Lupicia. I bought 100g, and it wasn’t nearly enough. Been consistently drinking this since jump62359 graciously sent over my first samples (yes, plural, cuz she rocks) and it’s just as good – although it’s not as good when steeped too long, gets a bit woodsy. Excellent iced!
Smells delicious, sounds even better, but it’s mostly woodsy rooibos with hints of lime. Not getting any sage, even after a ten minute steep.
OMGseriously you rock, as per usual, for sending this along.
Flavors: Lime, Wood
Seems like a cardboard kind of night for you. :/
Yea, makes me think I need to clean out my tea baskets – but these were the only cardboard ones – even since.