Finally, I have tried this gongfu; and I have just enough for one more session.

4 grams / 125 ml / 90°C

My steeping times were mostly around 30 seconds, give or take 15 seconds. This seemed to extract the most flavor without the tea becoming exhausted too quickly or the steeps being too weak.

It’s difficult to pinpoint the absolute best steep, as they were all exceptionally pleasant, warming, smooth, and creamy. The complexity of flavors, aromas, and aftertaste is remarkable, making it hard to capture everything.

However, I’ll do my best:

The flavors were delightful, with light roast, buttery tastes, and sweet honey, mixed with flower notes. There was no smoke this time. A bit of a powdery feel showed up in the later cups.

Aromas… whoa. Spring flowers — lilacs, lily of the valley, daffodils — all the notes I detected in my previous western-style steeps were present. It’s a perfect spring tea. Hints of honey were also present, along with the subtle woody and incense notes mentioned by the vendor. The incense became more prominent in the final steeps.

Aftertaste is very long. Somehow reminds me milky oolongs, which is something I would not expect in Dong Ding, especially when charcoal roasted. Refreshing and mild, mouthcoating. The final steeps tasted slightly vegetal, like cabbage and lettuce.

It was an expensive tea back then, when I was buying it. However, after this gongfu session, I can confidently say it was worth every penny.

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 30 sec 4 g 4 OZ / 125 ML

We love Dong Ding! I need to order some more from Tin Roof Teas. We burn through it so fast.

Martin Bednář

I can see why :)


I’ve never had Dong Ding from this vendor, but your note may have changed my mind. I’ll need to remember to add some in my next order, whenever that is.


The last dong ding I sipped was a green, and I enjoyed it quite a lot! I think I have another to explore as well, and will have to do so very soon!

Martin Bednář

Leafhopper: I am really tempted to order literally anything from them, expecting it being good :)

TeaEarleGreyHot: Dong Dings are just a good tea I guess :)


Yes, I’ve been happy with the stuff I’ve bought from TheTea. Did you ever have their wild bush unsmoked lapsang?

Martin Bednář

Nope, I had only this oolong and 2023 Shan Lin Xi bug bitten oolong from them. Both are treats.


Definitely try the lapsang if you get the chance. It’s a jammy fruit bomb with no bitterness. The only comparable lapsangs I’ve had are the Tongmu Lapsang from What-Cha and the Wild Lapsang from Wuyi Origin. (Wuyi Origin occasionally has free shipping promotions if you subscribe to their newsletter, though I’m not sure if they work in Europe.) I bought 100 g of their Wild Lapsang for US$33 when it was on sale.

Martin Bednář

You’re such an enabler! I am still resisting, but not for long! I don’t see any Lapsangs on their website now, but I am afraid I will check it out more than often.


Sorry! :P Do check back when they get their 2025 teas in.

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We love Dong Ding! I need to order some more from Tin Roof Teas. We burn through it so fast.

Martin Bednář

I can see why :)


I’ve never had Dong Ding from this vendor, but your note may have changed my mind. I’ll need to remember to add some in my next order, whenever that is.


The last dong ding I sipped was a green, and I enjoyed it quite a lot! I think I have another to explore as well, and will have to do so very soon!

Martin Bednář

Leafhopper: I am really tempted to order literally anything from them, expecting it being good :)

TeaEarleGreyHot: Dong Dings are just a good tea I guess :)


Yes, I’ve been happy with the stuff I’ve bought from TheTea. Did you ever have their wild bush unsmoked lapsang?

Martin Bednář

Nope, I had only this oolong and 2023 Shan Lin Xi bug bitten oolong from them. Both are treats.


Definitely try the lapsang if you get the chance. It’s a jammy fruit bomb with no bitterness. The only comparable lapsangs I’ve had are the Tongmu Lapsang from What-Cha and the Wild Lapsang from Wuyi Origin. (Wuyi Origin occasionally has free shipping promotions if you subscribe to their newsletter, though I’m not sure if they work in Europe.) I bought 100 g of their Wild Lapsang for US$33 when it was on sale.

Martin Bednář

You’re such an enabler! I am still resisting, but not for long! I don’t see any Lapsangs on their website now, but I am afraid I will check it out more than often.


Sorry! :P Do check back when they get their 2025 teas in.

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I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful world of loose leaf.

Trying to rate differently tea bags and loose leaf as tea bags have usually worse quality.

Photographer now and then. Postcrossing and geocaching member. Very curious person. Logistics student (should finish in June 2021).

Buried in tea right now. Is in my cupboard (trying to be updated) which sparkled your interest? Write me, I would gladly share with you. But I don’t want anything in return now :)


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