ADVENT DAY 8, tea 1/3
Yes, it’s right. I skipped third tea for Day 7 because it’s a sencha, and I wanted to prepare it correctly. Yesterday, I was too tired to pay attention to details, and my thermos was full of Tielka’s Persian Mint Chai, which needed a thorough cleaning before brewing any other tea. I usually use my thermos to store hot water during gongfu sessions, but yesterday was an exception.
Now, onto the Kanchanjangha. I steeped the entire 5-gram packet in my strainer using almost 90°C water and steeped for 4.5 minutes.
The resulting liquor was murky but filled with wonderful aromas. I detected distinct fruity notes of cherry and raisin, along with woody cedar notes. The flavors were quite similar, with additional notes of dark chocolate, florals, and muscatel. The finish had a subtle malty and tobacco character.
This tea is definitely high in caffeine and made for a great breakfast tea. It woke me up nicely. I highly recommend it! As someone who has a soft spot for Georgian teas, I’m also developing a fondness for Nepali teas.
This sounds like a winner!
Definitely so far from black teas, and daily-drinkiness :)