I have 3 different Georgian white teas and each one is different on their own.
I don’t want to call this one the most unique. But it is, definitely, unique. Pressed white teas are not common, moreover outside China!
So, I had to buy this. But I assume the main reason was… Georgia origin. Thick leaves, layered on each other. Easy to pry, but so hard to make exact weight. Leaves are wonderful.
Anyway, I tried 8.5 grams brewed gongfu (125 ml gaiwan) with 95°C water in the start of the session. Vendor suggests 8 g/100 ml; so a bit different ratio.
After rinse there were lovely birch aromas, slightly woody, slightly herbaceous and slightly woody. But bright wood scents, like birch is. I was surprised to see my agreement with the description by vendor.
I did several steeps, with various times. 20-60 seconds, first being shorter, naturally.
The flavours are… so interesting. Well, first of all, quite viscous. Secondly, the notes are creamy, slightly woody again, but that was definitely a good flavour! Meadow notes. Florals.
To be honest, even though I am writing this note right after I finished the session, I am not able to pick up the correct words. It is so nice, but hard to say how it is like.
The mouthfeel isn’t so long, but the unique notes repays it greatly.