Advent Calendar from Nabo: Day 9
Plums and cinnamon? That is indeed a wintery blend for me! Green tea base? That’s a bit strange… I would expect black tea. Or maybe even a rooibos.
Well, it’s full of cinnamon. It seems that Nabo overdo they cinnamon teas. This was so cinnamony I though I am sniffing a cinnamon-bun instead.
When I have brewed it, the aroma of cinnamon faded a bit and it was fruity (stonefruits) a bit more.
But when sipped, it was all cinnamon again sadly, with mineral and plum notes. But those plums were quite unripe and green… as the tea was. But that cinnamon flavoring Nabo uses covers everything and I am not such a fan, especially when it contains cinnamon itself.