I received this one year ago or so from Madeline, so take note how to not take care about cupboard. Thank you, if you ever read this.
I am sleepy today, although I slept fairly well and better than last days. I woke up as usual at 4 am, but I felt back asleep quickly. But still tired…
This tea I have prepared mostly because I wanted a caffeine boost and without fuzz. Honestly, the tea bag delivers both.
I had about 76°C water prepared in glass mug when I have added the tea bag. After short, two minute steep, I got a cup of nice grassy and full-bodied tea, but somehow flat. I guess it is because it is plain green tea and tea bag.
I haven’t noticed any smoke as many others, it was rather similar to oolong with mineral notes.
Flavors: Grass, Mineral