902 Tasting Notes

drank Earl of Africa by Kalahari Tea
902 tasting notes

My last pot of Earl of Africa! I started craving it at work this afternoon, and had none there. Went to make some this evening and realized I only had two bags left. Well, at least I’ve sipdowned something today!

This is a really nice Earl Grey rooibos…if you like rooibos. I find this to be a great afternoon, relax-the-morning-away tea. I’d definitely be interested in getting more in the future. But for now…decupboarding!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Chamomile Citrus by Mighty Leaf Tea
902 tasting notes

A soothing cup for a crazy afternoon…just threw a bag into the cup and left it whilst going over extremely boring, aggravating, yet highly important things.

On bright note, I will be visiting my school next to Cuppa tomorrow (due to above things). A latte will definitely be in order.

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I work in the same building as our plant operations department. The head of the department and I kid around that I’m the one always drinking the last of the coffee (I’m usually refilling my bottle of water at the same time he’s making the 3rd or 4th pot), and he pokes fun of the teastains in all my mugs (I do tend toward mugs that have cream or white interiors).

Today, he slyly hands me this tissue-wrapped package and tells me that I don’t know where it came from. I get back to my desk…it’s a black mug with our district’s logo on it. And it’s the perfect shape, rounded and wider at the bottom. I had to start using it immediately, of course. I’m thinking it could hold a full 16 oz…will have to test that out in a bit!

ETA: Oh, and this tea is yummy.

3 min, 0 sec

How sweet!

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drank Green Mango Peach by Tea Forte
902 tasting notes

It’s cold, and rainy, and the perfect day to be snuggled up under a blanket watching old movies and drinking pot after pot of tea. sigh

3 min, 0 sec

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drank Christmas Tea by Twinings
902 tasting notes

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Jillian sent me a few bags of this tea to try, since I’ve been drooling over her tasting notes about it. Thanks, Jillian!

This smells incredible! The scent is nearly identical to the chocolate oranges that are sold around the holidays. And I daresay I’ll have to pick up one soon…this smell could cause a craving!

The chocolate is not as strong when it comes to taste, though. It’s a very subtle chocolate taste. Orange definitely dominates, and the green tea is rather good. Actually, the taste of this reminds me of a white chocolate orange candy bar that I had when I was in England…the British chap I was semi-dating would bring me random chocolates/candies that he thought I should try. I remember him handing this bar to me and thinking “who puts orange in white chocolate”. Aw, I haven’t thought of that in ages. Wish I knew the name of that candy bar, too.

I won’t say that this is the best orange chocolate tea out there, and if you’re looking for milk chocolate taste, I’d look elsewhere. But if you look at it as a white chocolate orange, the taste is much more accurate. And I quite like it.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Lift by Bigelow
902 tasting notes

I’m so glad I decided to pre-set the Breville with this last night. I’ve woken up feeling rather “off”; wouldn’t say sick, exactly, but definitely not 100% myself. This tea is very soothing and calming. I really like the way the lemon, spices, and tea blend together in this one. I’m definitely going to be looking for this in decaf next grocery trip, as I think it’d be a perfect nighttime blend.

Upping the rating a bit; it deserves it.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Bigelow Tea


So glad to hear you love Lemon Lift. Do you know Pat Benatar? She demands this tea right before she goes on stage…just a little tidbit of info for you :)

Thanks as always,

Valorie for Bigelow Tea

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
902 tasting notes

I love tea (bet you didn’t know that). I also love my sleep. Sometimes these two passions do not get along so well. I generally don’t consume any caffeine after noon, so I’m always on the hunt for decaf blends (as well as rooibos and herbal blends). I kept seeing reviews of this one, and thinking that I had to try it. The lovely JacquelineM sent me a little tin full of it, and it arrived today (thank you soooo much)!!

The smell of the dry leaf is amazing…it smells like pull candy while it’s cooking!! So good. The smell of the tea after brewing is incredible; more like a vanilla poundcake baking.

Oh, my, is this good. Rich, creamy, and no chemically this-is-decaf taste. Seriously, are we absolutely sure this is decaf? I suppose I’ll know a definite answer to that later tonight!! It is starting to border on bitter, so I think next time I’ll reduce it to a 4 minute steep and see what happens. But I’m thinking this could end up being a regularly scheduled nighttime blend at my house!!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’m not sure how you take your tea, but this one is really nice with a little milk and sugar. Takes care of the bit of astringency. I also think it’s better to go heavier with the leaf rather than the time. I am drinking a cup as I type this :)


I usually just drink it neat, since I’m crap at figuring out how much milk and sugar to add. I either don’t add enough and it tastes weak, or I add too much and it tastes like sweetened milk. Thank you so much for sending me a bit of this; it’s definitely going on my list to get more off!

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Rachel sent me this awesome box with all kinds of little goodies in it. This is one that I’ve been wanting to try ever since I knew it existed. Thank you so, so much!!

The smell is wonderful, crisp strawberry and that effervescent scent of sparkling alcohols. The taste is almost decadent. I feel like I should be sipping this out of a champagne flute rather than the mug that I’m using. The honeybush suits this flavor combination perfectly. Really, it’s delicious!!

I am so, so happy I got to try some of this!! Will definitely need to pick some up from MSH’s website!!

Boiling 8 min or more

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Mint and I don’t always get along. Somedays we’re perfect for eachother, others we’re not talking to eachother at all. So when I pulled this one out of the work stash, I decided to see if it’s a good Mintday or a bad Mintday.

It’s a meh Mintday. This isn’t too bad; a lot less minty than the bag smells (which is good, since the bag smelled really strong). The black tea could be stronger, but it’s still there.

I’m not a spearmint fan, though. Can’t stand toothpastes or gum flavored with it, and it’s looking like it could be the same way with this tea. Though it tastes much, much better than toothpaste!!

3 min, 0 sec

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My love of tea started in 2001, whilst in an internship in London, England. I shared an office with a lovely man who would make me a cup of tea every morning without asking me if I even wanted it. I drink my tea neat now, because I’ve yet to find the sugar/milk combination that lives up to Pablo’s.

I drink any and all kinds of tea, and love trying new brands/varieties/flavors.


Lexington, Kentucky

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