902 Tasting Notes


Drinking up the last of this this morning. It’s been an okay green tea, but not one that I’ll run out and get more of anytime soon.

Edited to Ask: I can count this as the first of my Sipdown, right?

3 min, 0 sec

I missed something…what is this sipdown!? LOL


I know Auggy is doing it, not sure who else…and I think you already have been. It’s working to get your cupboard down to manageable levels. More details at:



I will check it out! Thanks!


Hey, I say if it gets finished off, it counts! Yay!
TEB, it’s something takgoti and I started doing since she’s buried in samples. I thought I was, then she told me her sample count….


Hmm…I thought I was buried in samples, myself. Just the way you phrased that, I’m thinking I’m probably not.

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drank Earl Grey by Twinings
902 tasting notes

Monday, you’ve come entirely too early this week.

Hopefully the Earl will keep you at bay.

3 min, 0 sec

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drank Citrus Breakfast by Octavia Tea
902 tasting notes

My obsession with different Breakfast blends continues!

It’s bitter. Not tea-bitter, but citrus-pith bitter. Not very pleasant. Glad I ordered a sample of this before getting a whole tin.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Meghann tucked a sampler tin of this into my box o’ goodies. I love trying new and different tea flavors, and Toasted Sesame is definitely new and different!

The leaves look wet, they are so oily-looking. And, after brewing, there’s an oil-slick-like sheen on the top of the tea. The taste, to me, is more sweet black tea than sesame seeds. It’s pretty good. Would have liked it a bit less sweet and more toasty. I’ll try it at 5 minutes next time and see if more toasty taste comes out.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I drink this at 5 min and still don’t get toastyness. (Lucky for my taste buds, bad for the objective of the tea). I get soy sauce. This would be GREAT to make sticky rice with.


I found that this one is actually nice with a bit of honey added to it – it makes the tea taste like those sesame snap waffers.

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drank Rose Petal Black by The Tao of Tea
902 tasting notes

I love the smell of this! It’s like I’m drinking a strong English Breakfast tea whilst sitting in a gigantic rose garden. It takes me back to my days in London, when I’d take the tube to St. James Park to sit in the swings and enjoy the gardens.

Now, the tea itself is delightful. The base black is strong and smooth, with no hint of bitterness. The rose is subtle and slightly sweet; the taste is reminiscent of rosewater.

This is a great first cup this morning, but I think it would really shine as part of a true afternoon tea, paired with Ladyfingers or some shortbreads.

Thanks, Rachel, for sending me some of this! I’ll definitely be looking for it on my next trip to Jungle Jim’s (my closest Tao of Tea retailer).

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Geoffrey sent me a bit of this LS. I’ve fallen in love with these smoked teas. They remind me of fall where I grew up, smelling the burning of the leaves and the smoke from wood and coal fires. I get these great nostalgic moments whenever I drink them, of being small and being at my great-aunt’s house, curled in a blanket on her screen porch.

I don’t think I like this one as much as Art of Tea’s, but I did only brew this for 3 minutes as opposed to my 5 minute steep of AoT’s. I’ll have to have another pot here in a little bit. I’d call this one a LS-lite. There’s a definite sweetness to it, and something slightly cocoa-like. I’ll be interested in seeing how this translates in a longer steep.

Thanks, Geoffrey!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Geoffrey Norman

You’re welcome. Yeah, I found it works best at a four-minute steep.


Well, I tried at 5 before I saw your comment. Much better, no watered-down taste, but I’m thinking Art of Tea’s is more, well, my cup o’ tea. This one is surprisingly sweet for a LS.

Geoffrey Norman

That’s probably why I liked it. It felt like it had “essence of chocolate” to it. I like natural sweetness on things. Still haven’t done the Art of Tea one yet. Kinda back-logged at the moment. (heh)

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drank Creamy Pumpkin Spice by iHeartTeas
902 tasting notes

I got a fantastic box in the mail yesterday from Rachel! it was so hard to decide what to have first, but the I found this one tucked in, and just had to have it.

It’s warm, and just ever so spicy. It’s so creamy, almost like I’ve added creamer to it. The pumpkin is authentic. Delicious!! Thanks, Rachel, for giving me the chance to try this! It’s one of the best pumpkin teas vie ever had!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

What no score? Just kidding no pressure but I am happy you enjoyed it. It has been rather successful for me.


Using my mother’s iPad. After 15 minutes trying to get it to hit 95, I decided to wait until I had access to a real computer!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

LOL I finally have it figured on mine but it is a science.

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drank White Ginger Pear by Tea Forte
902 tasting notes

For some reason, this bag is really strong on the ginger today. I’m undecided on how I feel about this.

2 min, 0 sec

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Tried brewing it at 2 minutes rather than 3…I think I like it much better! Brews up very light, and not very strong on the floral (which is good, since I actually hadn’t intended on grabbing this tea out of my drawer).

2 min, 0 sec

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My love of tea started in 2001, whilst in an internship in London, England. I shared an office with a lovely man who would make me a cup of tea every morning without asking me if I even wanted it. I drink my tea neat now, because I’ve yet to find the sugar/milk combination that lives up to Pablo’s.

I drink any and all kinds of tea, and love trying new brands/varieties/flavors.


Lexington, Kentucky

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