54 Tasting Notes
I kind of like this….I used 3+ teaspoons in my steeper for about 5 mins ( the time doesn’t really matter with herbals?) then flash froze it over a big cup of ice…..maybe too much ice, I think I might of liked it a bit stronger….
Without sweetener it is tarty, but I like that…..I would re-buy this. Wonder if it is out of stock? It’s good, no strange after taste. Much better than DT’s pink lemonade….I will try a little stronger and with sweetener next time…..
Bought this awhile ago, initially loved it, then was put off abit by the strong smell.
Made a big one liter pot in the breville this morning. Added in a bit of extra leaf.
Well, the kitchen smells like blueberries- that is fine! Had the tea with steamed frothed skim milk – it is fine! I think I would like even MORE blueberry flavour…..maybe I will sweeten the next cup and see what I think…..or try an iced latte with some frozen blueberries……yes, that might be tasty…..
this is one of my comfort teas after a long day…. i’ve been debating getting a tin and trying it iced, but i am trying so hard to behave with my budget, lol. maybe if it comes on sale… and then depending on shipping costs…
I’ve had it as an iced latte….pretty yummy…..it was all I could do to not go into Davids today…..wanted to stock up on for iced tea and try the new tea of the month…..resisted, but not sure how long I can hold out……
LOL. i caved yesterday and ordered cinnamon swirl bread puerh and a whack of samples from steap shoppe. the shipping was BRUTAL!
Had never heard of steap shoppe! Now another place I want to order from – the cinnamon swirl bread sounds de-lish!
that tea is brilliant but i have been warned that their customer service is rather lacking. so i will be checking my order once it arrives! and be assertive if it is erroneus! LOL
So got this one at Williams Sonoma for some crazy inflated price, but have gone Harney & Sons crazy, so what could I do?
Smell is….cinnamon! Wow, very strong. The sachets it comes in are so lovely. First cup plain with nothing added – I like it! It is very very cinnamon-y!! It feels almost like a light cinnamon syrup, and is it sweet. I think this will be a tea I drink on its own, but will try it with milk…..definitely doesn’t need sugar. So many of the davids teas I have seem to have such faint flavours, you are guessing, what sort of tea was this supposed to be? Not this one – you know it’s cinnamon!
First day of one week vacation/ staycation for me!
Yay – going for massage therapy and out shopping for new iced tea to celebrate! Another cup of this hot cinnamon tea will get me going…..
OMG I hate this. Busy Sunday, and so I ran into DT without checking steepster ratings. I thought, pink lemonade, wouldn’t that be nice? I “flash froze” a cup….at least, I think that’s what it’s called…..I steeped about 3 tsp in my steeper and then let it empty into a big glass of ice…..first time to do the flash freeze
Is it the stevia? ….the metallic aftertaste is awful….it smells like…..lawn? ….like I am drinking yard grass? ….. I have a 50 gram pouch…..can I return it? I will never drink this…..I think the SA overcharged me on stuff anyway…..where is my bill? …. Yikes, my stomach is churning…….dumping this……..worst tea ever! ( did I say I didn’t like it)……blech……
I think I was thinking of pink passionfruit, which I had tried and liked…..not the same tea…..silly me…..
I am in love with Harney & Sons. They have swept me off my feet, I want all their tea…..
I bought this yesterday and made an iced tea jug…..have to say, I didn’t love it iced. It may just be that I am not at all used to black tea iced, or ?maybe I steeped too long….in any case, I found it bitter…..
I thought I would try it this morning as a hot tea….ok newbie steepster question……any reason this (iced) tea would not make a good hot tea? It comes in those big bags for iced tea, so I just cut one open and brewed up as I would any flavoured black…..very….nice….hot……smooth, tart berries, crisp and very flavourful…..love it hot……
Harney & Sons…..come to Canada…..have another online sale…..please…..
Hmmm…that’s a good question. I don’t see why any tea intended to be iced would not make a good hot tea. It seems your experiment has already proved this, but I suppose it may not be true of all iced teas? hmmm…sounds like a fun experiment
When I ice black teas I use a lot of leaves, and much cooler water for less time – usually I let the kettle cool 10 minutes (2 litre kettle), then steep 2 minutes. It helps with the bitter/astringent components. Also, a teensy pinch of baking soda in with the tea leaves can help. IDK how stores can make such delicious iced black teas, because I struggle to make them at home.
Oh, you could also cold steep..
I haven’t had a lot of iced tea, but this is my favorite so far. Really rich red colour and very tart raspberry flavour. Just bought this today at Chapters on a whim and have to say, I am impressed. The few other iced teas i have tried have just seemed like very ( very ) watered down juice…..this has something to it….
The big tea bags made prep super easy. I am going to play around with this one, try doctoring it up with some added fruit, etc. And now I want to try more Harney and Sons……and more iced tea…..I hope they are all as good as this….
I realize that I have a lot of tea that I tried ( or bought ) in my very early tea drinking days ( ie. 6 months ago ) that I may not have really tested out…..because, there was so much tea in the world and I was a bit overwhelmed, and tried so many things so quickly…..
So, found a package of glitter and gold i had purchased a while ago, and brewed a couple of cups in the breville. I like this one….I bet I will drink it a lot around the Christmas holidays….the black base is smooth, mildly spicy, I taste the cinnamon and a bit of orange…..very nice, the flavors blend well……I will re-buy this at some point……with a bit of half and half and a tiny bit of rock sugar …. Nice treat, but not too sweet…..
It is cool and gray in vancouver…..I had the heat on, how can that be when it is almost June? Well, this is a good cool day tea……I am trying to make “doings chores” more enjoyable by sipping tea as I go……burning a nice “s’mores” candle …. It feels like fall! This is a nice tea!
I know, what is with the weather? I want to begin my explorations into the wonderful new world of iced tea…..but it’s too cold! I am thinking I could shop online for some iced tea stuff tho….then I would be ready…..when/if warmer weather finally arrives…..hot tea on a cool day while online shopping for summer tea and teaware……I like the sound of that!
It’s funny to read back on this log and see that it was only 9 days ago (possibly even less) that it was so cold out. It’s definitely warming up now. Back then I was also drinking teas with Fall and Winter themes, and now I’m drinking more of the fruity summery flavors. Gotta love that there’s a tea for every type of weather.
Murchies is in my ’hood, but their shop is busy, and I thought if I asked for tons of small samples of tea, they would be ( slow ) and aggravated…..so I ordered about 14 small samples of flavoured black tea on- line…..worked ok……still trying them out, but none have jumped out yet as needing to be quickly repurchased……except this one……my favorite murchies tea so far……I went back and purchased a small bag ( 114 grams )…..it really tastes like coconut banana cream pie…..a great desert tea, flavours taste natural…..as an aside, I highly recommend the murchies biscotti…..I thought it would be hard and dry, but it is almost like a shortbread, great quality and very fresh…….they have white chocolate, cranberry…..very nice with tea……
Finally made it into DT to check out the summer collection. The staff said they had “tons of stock” ( I was worried they would sell out, if I really liked it ) and I did like the minty smell, so I got 50 grams.
Brewed up and really taste the mint! I loved Santa’s Secret, but this one is cool tasty spearmint. Lots of spearmint! I didn’t get any coconut or fruit…..but that’s ok. I had it with a little rock sugar and a splash of half & half…..very refreshing……think I am going to make another cup…..this would be a good " drink at work" tea, I think……
I have been on the hunt for a nice caramel black tea…..I thought this might be the one……unfortunately, I don’t get enough caramel……it is a nice smooth black tea, but if I didn’t know it was caramel tea, I don’t think I could tell from the taste……sad face……….I high hopes for this urban tea merchant caramel tea….but I think there is a better one out there……so…..the caramel tea hunt continues…..
I really like this one. In fact, I got a tin! A little honey or sugar is tasty in it. I usually use 1.5-2 tbsp, 1.5 cups water, and half a large ice cube tray. It makes between 750ml and 1L. :)