Well the secret to this tea is a super long brew time. But the mystery still remains, how long was that super long time?
I started a cup of this to brew. Then I got busy doing some cold brews, cleaning up the kitchen, flipping through the channels to find Olympic mens hockey (Canada vs. Finland), checking steepster. Then while I was staring at the computer I reached out to grab my cup of tea but I couldn’t find it. Because it was still brewing. How long did I leave it, 10, maybe 15 minutes? Not sure. At least 10. I forgot to push start on the timer so there was no annoying repetitive beep, beep, beep to pull me out of my dead computer stare.
I tried it and it actually wasn’t too bad. The black tea base is quite strong, but the apple is quite strong as well which is good. The cinnamon is also predominate. It is thick and creamy. As the cup cools, it is starting to become more bitter, but I think a loooooonnnnnnnggggg steep suits this tea.