2 Tasting Notes


Upon hearing the AMAZING reviews this tea got, I knew I had to get my hands on some.
I love chai, and when I would drink coffee, pumpkin spice was my go-to during the holidays.

I must say that while it was good, and had a nice pumpkin aftertaste… it’s not the ABSOLUTE best chai I’ve had. Will finish my 2oz and maybe come back to it in a few months to change things up.

ChewingGum_Guy 12 years ago

If I can back-track a bit, I must say that the more I drink it, the more I enjoy it. EVERY TIME.

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drank Pure Chai by DAVIDsTEA
2 tasting notes

OH MY GOD. For the past few days I’ve been sampling multiple kinds of tea, and was becoming disapointed in my search for REALLY good teas.

Upon tasting this, my eyes widened and I frantically began to look for my baggy because I wanted to verify the name. If it wasn’t 10:09 pm, I’d run into a David’s tea and buy their entire ‘pure chai.’ YUMMMMMMM.

PS- it has a slight chocolatey taste which i assume is the nutmeg but the cinnamon is definitely in there too, SO GOOD.

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20 year old college student. New to the “tea scene” but always open to recommendations and learning more about tea.

As a new tea enthusiast, I’m learning that I love black and chai teas and tend to stay away from herbals.


San Francisco, California

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