So much work, so little time. At least that’s what it looks like for me today. But hey I’m working from home today so I have access to my entire tea cupboard so I can drink tea and whistle while I work.
This tea consists of small, thin and twisted black tea leaves with a scattering of yellow marigold petals. I think most blends from 52Teas have marigold petals in, or the ones I have tried that are black based have anyway.
It has a sweet and dark toffee like smell, not quite butterscotch. The black tea is quite strong and woody which tones down the sweetness quite a bit.
Tea is golden brown in colour with a sweet cinder toffee scent, similar to butterscotch but just not quite right. Flavour is honey sweet and malted with a creamy and slight chemical taste like vodka but not as sharp. The ‘butterscotch’ is not as strong as I would have liked and the more I drink the stronger the black tea base is becoming. So much so that the second cup is more woody, leathery and much less sweet.
This calls for action, stevia sweetener to the rescue!!! Much better. The black tea has been toned down and replaced the wood and leather with sweet sugary goodness. Still picking up more of a light toffee flavour though rather than butterscotch but it’s a nice pot of tea. Plus it has bought me some good luck, at the start I said I have a lot of work to do…well the website I needed to work on is having a technical glitch that needs to be fixed before I can do my work so my day just became free. Good = I can now play Skyrim. Bad = No work, no pay.