

I’m a twenty-something that is into:
Gaming, Animals, Game of Thrones, Tea, & anime.

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Instagram ~

My favorite teas are flavored fruity green, black, oolong, & herbal. I used to sweeten my tea with rock sugar from Teavana, but now I usually drink my teas straight. I do like cold brewing tea all year round.

I brew western style with my Breville, but I want to explore gongfu because I want to gather the full flavor of the tea I’m drinking. Thus an excuse to use my Japanese tea cups. Though I do want a kyushu too!

My tea rating scores
90-100: Stocking up!!
80-89: Loved it!
70-79: Good enough to buy.
60-69: Meh its good.
50-59: It’s ok. Would drink again if l had to. Wouldn’t buy it.
40-49: Down the drain it goes. Couldn’t drink it.
00-39: Gave it to a friend.


Southern California

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