Ahh, now this is bliss after my last few teas. I rolled a “2” this morning, but had no more “2” teas. (Yes, I used the entire sample bag of the rose in my tea last night, I wanted SUPER fragrant rose scent and flavor). When I returned from work my luck improved and I rolled an “8”. The single package labeled 8 was Maple Sugar by Tea Guys. Super excited to try this I was. (My try at yoda speak).
The leaves smelled amazing, and probably would have paired well with scrambled eggs and bacon, or some chocolate bacon chip cookies (I’ve only heard of these, never consumed/made them myself). This was a tasty sweet afternoon tea to enjoy as a pick me up. It tastes like I drizzled a bunch of syrup in with my afternoon basic black tea. I bet this would handle cream well. I have a bit left over so I will try it that way next time I roll an 8.
Thanks again to Rabs, for allowing me to try such tasty teas:) Now to decide which teas to bring to the in-law’s house for the evening. Showing them how to work their new phones!
Hooray for a higher roll! I never thought of keeping more of the tea set aside for another roll — that’s a great way to extend the game if you’d like. Otherwise I consider a tea that’s been rolled for and open “fair game.” :)
I have to admit that chocolate bacon chip cookies sound interesting.
Hooray for a higher roll! I never thought of keeping more of the tea set aside for another roll — that’s a great way to extend the game if you’d like. Otherwise I consider a tea that’s been rolled for and open “fair game.” :)
hehe my favorite cookies