Tried this yesterday as 12 oz hot in my travel mug. The dry leaf smell is just like the bottles of perfume my grandma collected on her desk: a chemical and vaguely floral cloud. It leaned more towards the cherry cough syrup side of chemical so I decided to give it a try.
The first sip quite hot was surprisingly jasmine but a couple sips later it vanished and I was just sorting through the cough syrup/ marachino taste. I left it a while and tried it warm and then a little when it was almost cold. I’m glad I tried it like this. It was vaguely floral/ cough syrupy warm, but slightly sweet and more cherry and pineapple tasing whilecool. Definately an iced tea.
I guess I enjoyed the interesting experience of marachino musk flavor but not much. Even though the flavors/flavorings don’t work together (I suspect the peach & pear flavorings) you can tell everything’s pure and fresh. Kudos on that.
Thanks to Joecool1979 for swapping.