Hello everybody, I’m still alive! Reason to celebrate!
I would have been here way more frequently if there was a Steepster app. I checked again in the app store after typing this just to be sure, but there was only one called “Sleepster”…not helpful. I find it very annoying to use Steepster on my phone or ipad. I’m at work now so this will do…
I drank this tea the other day. Why did this tea inspire me to jump back onto Steepster after a hiatus of what I can only imagine (without checking) is months and months if not a year or more? Well, I remember when I first tried it long ago (and I had rated it 74, just saying), I wasn’t in love with it. The other day when I had it, I was pretty jazzed about how tasty it was, it kind of surprised me actually. Not sure if it’s because I had been trying to get rid of old flavoured teas that I no longer care for, but when I made this one I was like “WOW! It’s so sweet and delightful!” I never thought a green tea would be sweet. But this one was. And I actually felt like I was drinking something that was natural, rather than a chemically flavoured concoction.
So, i figured I would share that with whoever cared. I still love all my Teavivre teas. I find lately I’m doing REALLY sad sipdowns of Butiki teas that I’ve been clinging to, along with rotating between a variety of Teavivre, Whispering Pines and other tasty black teas. It would be nice if the exchange rate would be better for us Canadians. Not that I need more tea.
My profile on the side talks about how much I love Harney and Sons, that was past me. Present Me is cursing Past Me for buying so many gigantic tins of teas that I don’t love anymore.
Shaking my fist at you, Past Me. No one needs that much of ONE tea. WAH.
Bumping this rating up to 80 because i feel it deserves to be higher than the 70s
Seconding the need for an app. Welcome back!