Well, this one was… a story.
I had bought a bunch of DAVIDsTEA samplers from their website and this one came with.. I believe Caffeine-Free teas. I naturally was finding a lot of teas through these tiny, cute tins and after deliberating for a while, I picked this tea to try when I went up to see my crew. It smelled heavenly. Alas, it decieved me as so many do.
I could not stomach it. When it went down my throat, it felt as if it left and egg at the back of it and left my mouth feeling like I had just thrown up! I was horrified! The second sip proved to be the same! The heavenly smell was gone and now it just had the aroma of dead grass clippings from a swampy golf course. I couldn’t stand it, dumped it, and proceeded to complain to deaf ears.
I stand by my dislike. This tea was the worst I have had as of recent and I will not rebuy such a thing in the future. I’m glad it came in a tiny tasting tin instead of 50g!