Vanilla Citrus Spice

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea, Cinnamon, Coriander, Dandelion Root, Ginger, Orange Peel, Vanilla Bean
Bitter, Cinnamon, Orange Zest, Smoke, Spices, Cardamom, Cocoa, Vanilla, Orange, Sweet, Bread, Molasses, Nutmeg, Raisins, Citrus, Spicy, Butter, Coriander, Chocolate, Citrus Zest, Leather, Pepper, Ginger
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Uniquity
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 6 g 9 oz / 275 ml

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107 Tasting Notes View all

From Verdant Tea

“Our take on the classic black tea citrus and spice pairing with rich creamy vanilla…”

Yunnan black tea at its best has the most exquisite citrus and spice flavors to it. A good Dian Hong is cinnamon sweet with orange aftertaste. We decided that we would take this most beloved flavor pairing and bring out to the forefront through a satisfying blend that is beautiful hot and iced.

We start with Zhu Rong Yunnan Black, a spicy and full bodied tea with notes of sweet potato and cayenne. Next we bring out the citrus with orange peel, and draw out spice with ginger, cinnamon, and coriander. Finally, we emphasize the sweetness of the tea with generous whole vanilla bean and toasted dandelion root, creating a creamy and full bodied blend.

Ingredients: Zhu Rong Yunnan Black, organic orange peel, organic ginger, organic cinnamon, organic coriander, organic vanilla bean and pods, organic toasted dandelion root.

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107 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

probably my last cup of tea for the day with travelling and such unless i get off the plane and MUST HAVE TEA…which is always a possibility. HOping i’ve got the right balance of tea that i’m bringing to be able to get through most of it before we come home. heh esp since i know i’ll be buying tea while there. I actually have one more cup of this that i’m bringing with me for a rainy day when i need some comfort.

Final Count: 140 (1 swap and a few purchases incoming – 10 to go…)


I can’t wait to hear what you pick up!

Terri HarpLady

Where are you headed? Vancouver?


Yes Terri…my mountains and I are getting reacquainted


Enjoy that beautiful country we are so lucky to live in Sil :-)


We left the hotel at 8am….back at 3pm. Such a good day, just relaxing now before going out again :)

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3294 tasting notes

This was my final tea of the day, so comforting to my throbbing brain. Honestly, it didn’t help at all, but it was a cup of solace. I like this best steeped 5 minutes, with a resteep of 7.
I know that might seem barbaric, but it’s also delicious.

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1186 tasting notes

A sipdown from this afternoon! I tried Sil’s steeping parameters of 6 minutes with a bit more tea, and it turned out quite good! I still don’t think I found the full potential of this tea, but it was dark and creamy vanilla spice today at least! I did get pretty caffeinated from it though, which was a bit bad haha, so I’ve been drinking herbals to calm down haha. See previous notes!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Glad you got it to work a bit better!


Oh, I’m going to try this six minute steep next time too!


You really taste the base tea with that long of a steep :) I’m still missing the citrus, but it was quite good, a hefty amount of caffeine it felt like though haha.

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1445 tasting notes

Sipdown. My last pot of this was so rich, like buttered spice cake, that I may have to pick up more asap.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec

I love this one too. So good~ I love how well Verdant’s blends re-steep :)


I was surprised how well this one re-steeped after the initial 6min first steep. :)


Because of you, I busted out my Vanilla Citrus spice and just downed two Nordic mugs. The second steep was indeed very flavourful. :)

Lily Duckler

So glad you enjoyed! :) Since you might want to pick more up, I do want to let you know: we are running very low on the base to this blend! So far, it looks like we’ll be able to keep this in stock just through the first week or so of February.


CrowKettle, I have a $10 certificate and was thinking of picking some tea up. Did you want me to add some of this to my order?


If it’s not inconvenient for you that would be awesome :)


That sold out quickly! It just goes to show you should never hesitate when it comes to something you love. I’ll anticipate the return of this blend (and the Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha).


I know! I was waiting for the Black Chocolate Genmaicha to come back in stock as was going to order both of these, but alas, now this is gone as well.

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464 tasting notes

From the very first inhalation of the dryleaf this tea enchanted me. If fairies wanted to capture me and whisk me away they would brew up this tea, I would taste it, and they could capture me without fuss. It’s that magical!

It starts out with the taste of warm, fresh vanilla cake straight out of the oven, but with notes of something richer and more wild than white flour- This cake captures the souls of wild dandelions and tea and and fuses them with vanilla- The kind of creamy vanilla that a person can only dream about. The kind of vanilla that so soft that it can only be infused with milky moonlight.

After this I taste the spices that could only taste the way they do if they were combined with fairy dust. Cinnamon, ginger, and citrus and dance their way across my tongue, weaving spells that work to warm and sweeten.

And the spell lingers…

It’s been over a half hour since I finished my cup and the scent haunts me like a melody calling me from fairyland. I still feel it’s warmth on my like it breathed all its warmness and delight into me.


I am glad someone reviewed this tea. I have been looking at it on the website since it came out.


I want to try this one so bad. :) Thank you for the lovely review!


Ahh I wanted to try this tea as soon as I saw it on the site and this review might push me over the edge, it sounds amazing!!


I woke up this morning asking myself if I dreamed this tea up!

Terri HarpLady

Yay! I have a sample of this, waiting to be tried. :)


I just re-steeped the leaves 3 times this morning. I can’t seem to move on to another tea just yet.

Lily Duckler

What an amazing review!!! Thank you so much- this absolutely made our morning. We are definitely making this our Sunday morning sample for the teahouse XD


Such a fantastic review!


Lily- You make me wish I lived near the tea house! And I just have to say I love that you included dandelions in this. I love dandelion greens! My grandmother used to make them for us when we were younger and they have such a warmth! She used to make them because they reminded her of her youth in Greece. She was stuck on a Greek island during WWII. They didn’t always have food, but she and her sister would forage for dandelions and mushrooms. Didn’t expect to taste the dandelions so much in this tea with everything else going on, but I did and it played so well with everything else!

Nicole- Thanks! I was coming off of a runner’s high when I wrote this. Lol!


Such a beautiful review! There is no doubt I will have to try this sometime!

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2291 tasting notes

This smells like the best kind of orange creamsicle you can imagine. Fresh oranges, organic cream from grass fed cows, honey to sweeten, bourbon extracted vanilla. Mmm… (Wait. I have a Zoku, I could make these!)

I’m sitting here sniffing my tea, almost scared to taste it because there’s no way it could live up to what it promises.

Ohhhh, this is… really nice. I think I’ll steep it 3 minutes next time. I used 1.5 tsp leaf in an 8-10oz mug. The tea flavour in the background is so lovely. The orange and vanilla blend so well together (mmm, cakes and ice cream), and the other spices are present but don’t detract from the tea that underlies it all.

It’s been my experience that Verdant does amazing blends, but I do not care for the plain teas at all. I’d like to try this one at some point, (Sil, are you paying attention? :) ) as this blend is really so, so good.

I can hardly wait to try it with more steeps, more leaf, and maybe even gaiwan style.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Holy crap, so glad I got some despite the mixed reviews. I still haven’t opened mine yet. :)


Huh? Try which one?


This is totally up my alley. I love these flavours, I love toasted dandelion root (I used to have it in fake coffee with chicory all the time), and this is pretty amazing to me. :) Hope you like it as much as I do! I’m so glad I got 2 oz.


Zhu Rong. :D I know you have it! Do you have enough to share, though?


Oh…yeah. You need to start a list for me in one place lol. I can add that heh


Second steep, 3.5 minutes with a little honey added. Mmm.


LOL. Ok, I’ll make a list for you on Facebook. :D


So I’m reading your note and I started to freak out just a bit because I was worried I didn’t add this as my sample when I ordered my Laoshan Black with Sil (oh, I could go for a cup of that right now – how ridiculous am I). But, you’ll ALL be SO relieved to know that I do have this as a sample.

YES. I also cashed in my $10 GC so I’ll be ready for the next eventual order. (in the spring? Ha)


Yay! Glad you have a sample. I underleafed, but I think I’ll use the full tbsp next time. I think I’ll get more spicey herby flavours. :)


The dandelion root really adds so much to this tea! I think I need to maake an exception to my no mail-orders until Thanksgiving promise for this tea! :-)


i think i arbitrarily bought an ounce of this for shits and giggles…and haven’t tried it yet


This tea sounds very yummy.

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513 tasting notes

I don’t typically feel compelled to finish every tea I own in order to justify buying more; I seem to just justify buying more as a matter of course if I feel like it. Utterly irresponsible, I know, especially because I’m no rich lady.

Anyway, I thought I’d revisit this one this morning, because it had been a while. I brewed it up the same as last time, although I don’t really know what’s up with the two minutes the steeping instructions call for, because I don’t think I’d ever steeped a black for two minutes in my life, and didn’t this time, either. In the bag, this smells slightly candied, and definitely spicy. I can certainly detect the citrus notes when sniffing as well, which is always a plus.
After I let it steep for about five minutes, the candied scent had subsided some, although it was still present. I thought I could actually smell the cream I’d added, although I quickly realized that that may have also just been the tea smelling thick and creamy, which I love.
It tasted the way I remembered it: sort of like a spiced creamcicle with an undertone of vanilla. I will be delighted to finish up this package, perhaps with a bit less sugar next time (did I just say that?), and I may even reorder! it seems like the perfect cup of tea to snuggle up with while watching, like, scary crime or murder shows on TV.

Now back to reading and pretending I care about the subject matter.

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1792 tasting notes

My oh my, still yet to review. After that ever so slightly psychologically scarring experience with the pu-erh, I needed something to exterminate the smoked meat flavour from my mouth. Citrus should work. And spices. Vanilla Citrus Spice!

I just downed four cups. No lie. Well, two Nordic mugs.

The first was 2 tablespoons for six minutes. And then I added a lump of crystallized honey. Really smoothed out the spices since they were a little on the sharper side without any additives. I’m not really getting vanilla from there, and the citrus is gentle. Blends in so well with the spices.

The cinnamon especially stands out for me. And I’m so relieved that I don’t taste the coriander. That’s a close one.

Second steep got the same treatment, and yielded a super flavourful mug.

I’ll have to try cold brewing this sometime.


Hahaha omg the pu’erh. This sounds like a good one to exterminate that flavour.

Terri HarpLady

I’ve really been enjoying this blend :)


I’ve warmed up to this blend :) Is you’re Nordic mug one of the one’s from David’s?


Yeah, I have the red sweater and ice blue berries ones from this winter season. They’e been largely responsible for my monstrous increase in tea consumption. :)

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6444 tasting notes

Before I start, I am just going to leave this here: It got a chuckle from me. Have to love the magic of the internet.

Anyways, this tea came to me from Veronica. I would not have ever given this tea a second look, nor would I have bought it on my own. However, it gets a lot of love on steepster and that piqued my curiosity and luckily Veronica was generous enough to send me a sample.

Even smelling the tea, I was already preparing to write that it is not for me and offer up the other cup I have. I am happy to report that that is not the case. This cup has a little something for everyone – spice from the cinnamon, savory from the coriander, sweet from the vanilla, and tart from the citrus. Truly a well-rounded cup. Am I in love with it? No. Will I get more of this in the future? Probably not. But I am enjoying this cup and I won’t have any problems finishing up the rest of the sample. Thank you Veronica for the opportunity to satisfy my curiosity.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

That is HILARIOUS! Thanks for the link!


Excellent meme AND tea


Ha ha I love this meme xD


@Terri – you were my inspiration for having this cup. I read your note and decided to finally give it a try.

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