Fengqing Old Tree Raw Pu-erh Cake Tea 2013

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Bitter, Butter, Wood, Smoke, Vegetables, Malt, Maple, Pepper, Tobacco, Apricot, Bok Choy, Dates, Menthol, Honeysuckle, Plum, Stonefruit, Winter Honey, Black Pepper, Hay, Orchid, Raisins, Rum, Spices, Astringent, Fruity, Melon, Sweet
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205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec 8 g 6 oz / 188 ml

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From Teavivre

Origin: Fengqing, Yunnan

Ingredients: Made from 100% pure leaves from 300 to 800 years Tea Trees

Taste: powerful, typical raw pu-erh’s strong flavor; quick sweet aftertaste, aromatic and lively.

The Old Tree Raw Pu-erh Cake is made of the leaves from old tea trees in Fengqing, which are mostly 300 to 800 years old. Old tree refers to the tea trees have been lived for very long time, just like ancient trees. The old trees for this pu-erh cake were planted long time ago, and are still producing fresh leaves for making. Our Old Tree Raw Pu-erh is made of leaves from these trees. The Old Tree Pu-erh tea leaves were processed into raw materials during April 10 to 28, 2013, right after the leaves were harvested from the tea trees. This cake is finely made, has rich taste, strong with nice aroma. The sweet and mellow aftertaste will capture your tongue.

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17 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

How have I not reviewed this yet haha I definitely have had it, as my sample pack is opened lol. Anyways, this is today’s #SeptemberSipdown tea, as we had to choose one to drink all day and this one fits the bill. Note that all day for me may end up only being 3-4 steeps since I’m so bad with caffeine haha, but shengs or shu are my go-to for all-day teas, and a sheng from Teavivre never disappoints!

This one is quite mellow and nice. I combined my first two gaiwan steeps (after a 15s rinse) into my little mug so I don’t have to get up to steep as much during the work day. Smells woodsy, has a nice woodsy flavor with some sweetness at the end. I always get apricot from Teavivre shengs it seems, my favorite note in a sheng I think. Getting a bit more bitter as it cools, but nothing unmanageable. Excited to get in at least a few more steeps this afternoon, but will not drink too late in the day or I’ll be up all night!

Overall an enjoyable sheng. Can’t believe this tea is already 7 years old!

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4 tasting notes

It was overly bitter for me. First three steeps were just bitter, but later steeps had a nice subtle woodsy flavour, however the bitter taste persisted to the end, even though I did shorter infusions.

Flavors: Bitter, Butter, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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836 tasting notes

Infused for over 2 minutes.

Notes of smoke and buttered steamed green vegetables.

Flavors: Butter, Smoke, Vegetables

200 °F / 93 °C

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4348 tasting notes

This was a sample from my order a while back. I haven’t had raw pu-erh in a while! But this reminds me of what I’m missing. I used half the sample pouch, so around five grams. The scent of the dry leaves have a fruity lightness to them. With the first sip, I’m surprised at the creamy smooth texture. The deep yellow brew is delicious with hints of apricot or creamy lemon, very sweet. The finest of raw pu-erhs that I have enjoyed. The best raw pu-erh is always smooth with mysterious fruity flavors. The second and third steeps have stronger flavor but aren’t bitter. I really try to keep the steeps around 30 seconds each time or any raw pu-erh WILL get bitter very quickly. The second and third steeps still have a sweet flavor to them, but there is also an autumn leaf flavor happening. The first steeps of raw pu-erh are always the tastiest. I really need to stock up on a raw pu-erh cake, as I barely have any sheng left at all. It might not be this one though… it really increased my appetite and I don’t really want to be drinking more tea AND eating more food. Some pu-erh makes me hungrier faster though and I don’t need those pu-erhs around.
Steep #1 // five grams for a full mug // 16 minutes after boiling // rinse // 30 second steep
Steep #2 // 15 minutes after boiling // 30 second steep
Steep #3 // just boiled // 30 second steep

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21 tasting notes

Receiving samples like this make me excited to buy from Teavivire in the future!

I had two great sesisions with this sheng and wasn’t disappointed. The wet leaves had the aroma of dates and wet straw. the soup tasted malty, but with what I can only describe as a “pepper” or “green chile” first note -which I wasn’t expecting at all. Mid way through my sessions the soup had a slight maple aroma, and a nutty caramel taste like brie cheese baked with brown sugar. Later infusions were tobacco flavored, smooth, and cooling.

This is by far the most dynamic sheng I’ve tasted in my short time, and one to remember.

The sample also had a strong influence on my physical body. The first session was very rough on my stomach, and made me feel very “full” with no appetite. My mouth was watering for hours afterward. BUT after the discomfort, and with the second session I felt energized and balanced.

Flavors: Malt, Maple, Pepper, Tobacco

5 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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526 tasting notes

I’m pretty sure this just cured whatever ailment I may have had! I havent had a sheng session in quite some time, so I decided I should sit down and go for it. This was waaayy better than I last remember it. The flavors were definitely more prominent than before.

I opened the package and revealed an array of colors. The dry leaves ranged from a forest dull green to silver and gold tips. They carried the aroma of sweet pipe tobacco. I brewed this in my yixing pot. I washed them once and then flash steeped the rest of the session. This tea packs a punch! It has a powerful body encompassing qi and has an incredibly menthol bitter taste. This tight sensation did not dissipate for quite some time. I went well into steeping before the smoother flavors appeared. These flavors were of crystallized sugar and sweet stone fruit.The best thing about this brew is the after taste. These small twigs leave a succulent honeysuckle and plum taste in the back of your throat that you can taste long after drinking. These leaves had a greater expansion than last time; they nearly burst out of my pot! I love Teavivre shengs and this is just what my body needed. A powerful brew with an assortment of flavors and expansive depth to explore. I’m very happy to be feeling like myself again!


Flavors: Honeysuckle, Plum, Stonefruit, Tobacco, Winter Honey

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 4 OZ / 125 ML

Yay! Feeling better is good!


May the power of Tea compel you! hahah xD

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290 tasting notes

This was yet another generous free sample from Teavivre.

I’ve spent the day drinking this and really enjoying it. Upon opening the packet I was hit by a waft of hay and spice. The dry leaf looked to be in large pieces if not whole leaves. Upon steeping the leaves turned green and it became clear that my initial impression was correct. The liquor was a light amber colour and gave off a floral aroma, like orchids. The taste was light and yet full, being peppery with fruity rum and raisin notes. I got little in the way of astringency, except when the cats distracted me by demanding attention and I steeped it for a tad too long. Even that was pleasant and left a peppery aftertaste on the tongue. It has lasted me all day, amounting to about twelve steeps, so the tea has pretty good legs. Overall, this is a good tea that I would be happy to drink more of. Good job I have a second sample pack, eh? I might try the next packet at a higher temperature and with a longer steeping time to see how that fares, given that Teavivre recommends 100 degrees C and a steep time of 5 to 10 minutes. Yes, 5 to 10 minutes! That seems like an awfully long time when I am in the habit of brewing shengs for 10-15 seconds at a time.

Flavors: Black Pepper, Hay, Orchid, Raisins, Rum, Spices

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 5 OZ / 150 ML
Red Fennekin

Mmm, this one sounds really good! One for the wishlist.


Wow, you actually make me want to retry pu-erh again.


i think i’ve tried this tea before. some teas i can steep for over 5 minutes like this one :) http://steepster.com/teas/yunnan-sourcing/48693-2006-nan-jian-phoenix-ripe-pu-erh-tea-mini-brick


others become extremely bitter :(


Indeed, some teas are more tolerant of excessive steeping. I tried this one with a five and ten minute steep. It turned out to be quite drinkable when I did this, with no bitterness. However, and it is a big HOWEVER, it really lacked the character of the gong fu brewing, and few of the notes I got from cooler brewing were present when I drank it.


some teas can be steeped long and not be bitter but gets bitter when cooled down


I found this tea had more character when brewed at 85-90 degrees C. When brewed at a higher temperature it seemed to have less going for it. I usually brew young shengs cooler anyway because they can be quite bitter at higher temperatures.

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63 tasting notes

It’s been a long time since I have sipped sheng. I have almost forgotten how enjoyable tea it is. Steeped in a Yixing pot of course.
So, this is my third (or fourth) Fengqing raw puerh I have been tasting and this differs from those other ones and also other younger shengs I have tasted.
I used 4-6g of tea instead of 10g since it seems so much tea won’t fit into my teapot. Anyway dry leaves are quite big, some of them have yellow hair, dark brown to almost black color and the best thing is, they are all whole! I don’t see any leaf particles around like some of those cheaper cakes have. (It has some stems) Dry tea smells smooth with sweetness and bit like raisins.
Liquid has pale yellow to yellow coloring and has mild, but sweet aroma. Quite like oolongs or green tea. Don’t stick to ‘mild’ word, I may have used too few leaves next time I will use more. Leaves have turned into dark green/green and continue to ‘lose color’. At the end leaves were yellowish green in color, typical sheng. Wet leaves have sweet, mellow, fruity aroma.
In the taste I can detect some fruits, grapes maybe, and woodiness. first steeps had a bit astringency but not too much. Very pleasant sweet and grapy aftertaste that lingers long on the tongue. I really liked that this hadn’t any smokiness or similar aromas. I managed to get 12 steepings, last one was 1min 30sec. I believe this will taste really good when aged by couple of years, acquiring stronger taste. I can recommend to try this young sheng puerh, for beginners and puerh veterans.

Flavors: Astringent, Fruity, Melon, Raisins, Sweet, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 4 OZ / 125 ML

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818 tasting notes

I really like this sheng. It was my first sheng, and really, the first puerh I enjoyed. I feel like it’s really accessible. I don’t detect any bitterness, and the flavor transforms from the smooth tobacco-like smokiness to a very sweet fruitiness. So good! I would definitely consider picking up some more of this one.


This one made me fizzy with energy! LOL!


It did that to me the first time, but not as much today!

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278 tasting notes

Method: 6 g, 6 oz, 200 degrees, rinse-15-15, sheng yixing

Aroma: Smells like a grapey cave!

Flavor: lightly grape and also savory. It starts to get really good around the 3rd steep. This has a bit of astringency to pucker the mouth, but it’s nice!!!

Thanks to Angel for the sample! It’s lovely!!!

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

Love your description of the aroma!

Cameron B.

I want to live in a grapey cave… :D


Lol… Mmmmm grape caves!!!!


yummmmm grapey cave sound awesome


You’re all invited!

Lariel of Lórien

I want to visit a grape cave.

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