This morning, courtesy of Angel Chen & TeaVivre, I brewed Organic Nonpareil Ming Qian Dragon Well Long Green Tea Western style: 7g / 8 oz / 176*F / rinse, 1, 2, 3 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream. (This sample packet contained 7.1 g.)
Intro: I’ve been enjoying black tea all my life. To date, my green tea experience has been limited to Gunpowder Green tea. Yesterday, I enjoyed my first ever cup of Organic Superfine Dragon Well Long Jing. It will be interesting to see how these two Dragon Well Long Green Teas compare.
Leaf: Beautiful whole leaves: 2.5 cm long x 5mm wide & flat – not as large as the Superfine.
Fragrance: A pleasant green tea fragrance that is hard to describe given my experience as a black tea drinker.
Liquor: Light gold
Aroma: Very sweet
1 min.: Wow! TeaVivre’s Organic Nonpareil Ming Qian Dragon Well Long Jing is so very smooth and rich. It’s like a slightly salty, sweet butter with mild savory notes. The buttery smoothness persists on the palate. There is no hint of astringency, bitterness, or off-putting strong vegetal flavors all the way to the bottom of the cup. I’m very impressed with this excellent green tea.
2 min.: The 2nd cup also tastes like the first with just slightly less butter & slightly stronger savory notes. There’s no hint of astringency, bitterness, or off-putting strong vegetal flavors.
3-min.: Very similar flavor profile to the previous cups with slightly less body. Like the 1st & 2nd steeps, there’s no hint of astringency, bitterness, or off-putting strong vegetal flavors.
Impressions: This is the elegant, understated, more refined version of Dragon Well Long Jing green tea and should not to be missed – highly recommended! The similar Organic Superfine Dragon Well Long Jing is half the cost, and thus, a very good value:
Thanks to Angel Chen and TeaVivre for their gracious sample of this superb tea!
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket