Peach Tranquility

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple Pieces, Artificial Flavouring, Candied Pinapple, Chamomile, Lemon Verbena, Peach, Rose Hips
Fruity, Citrusy, Peach, Sweet, Tart, Citrus, Floral, Sour, Apple, Hibiscus, Pineapple, Stonefruit, Vanilla, Creamy, Nectar, Pastries, Smooth, Tropical, Apricot, Chamomile, Artificial, Candied Apple, Sugar, Honey, Berries, Fruit Tree Flowers, Orchids
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec 46 oz / 1368 ml

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109 Tasting Notes View all

From Teavana

A peaceful medley of soft peach and sweetpineapple gently falls across your palate, while calming Roman chamomile and lemon verbena shower over you, creating a tranquil treat.

Sweet peach infusion with light citrus and floral undertones

Use 1.5-2 tsp of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to just at boiling (208 degrees/98 degrees Celsius) and steep for 5-6 minutes. For stronger flavor use more tea leaves. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.

Ingredients: Apple pieces, candied pineapple pieces (pineapple, sugar, citric acid), rosehip peels, peach pieces (with rice flour), artificial flavoring, chamomile flowers, lemon verbena

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109 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

When I first discovered tea, I took a trip to Teavana and stocked up on a whole bunch of tea. This is one I was particularly excited about because the dry leaf smells almost identical to fuzzy peaches. However, none of that translated into the taste when I tried it both hot and iced. I passed the rest of my stash along to a friend and thought I was done with this. Then I discovered cold brewing. I was always amazed at how different a cold brew could taste from an iced tea despite both being cold so as I continued to try new teas prepped with that particular method, I started to think about this tea and determined I wanted to try this to see if I could finally pull out the fuzzy peach goodness that the smell promises. Luckily, Inkling was kind enough to pass along a sample so I did not have to commit to a whole overpriced 50g worth from the store.

As I sip on the cold brew, I must say that it actually it much closer to fuzzy peaches than I have found with any other method. Unfortunately, without the little sour kick that the candy has, I am finding this tea to come off rather flat. Imagine a fuzzy peach but someone already licked off the sugar crystal layer on top…something is just missing. Also, I am getting more apple than peach and there is zero pineapple to be found. Well, at least now I know for sure this isn’t for me and I won’t remain wondering so thank you Inkling for helping me figure that out. Plus, since the cold brew was at least drinkable, I am upping my rating of 30. 179.


Glad I could put your wondering to rest! ;) This wasn’t a favorite of mine either, so I was happy for the help in polishing off what I had.


Hmm. I might have this tea; maybe I should cold-brew it.

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123 tasting notes

Last night I went over to imabandgeek4eva’s house for brownies and tea, and after perusing her tea collection I picked out Peach Tranquility for us to drink. I’d never had it before, but peach is always good, right? Plus, black tea + late at night = no sleep = bad for work the next day (like my math?) so an herbal blend with chamomile seemed like a promising nightcap.

P. T., it turns out, is an AWESOME blend. It has a lovely delicacy and a smooth, even texture. Of course there’s the peach, which is like the light sweetness of a fresh white peach rather than the heavy, cloying flavor of canned peaches. Chamomile and rosehips add to the mild, subtle flavor. I want to emphasize that it is a light tea, not a weak tea.
Great for sleepy time. It’s not an instant knock-out, so while we were socializing I was fine, but instead of tossing and turning for half an hour before finally going to sleep I was out like a light after my head hit the pillow. Sweet.

Imabandgeek4eva blended it with Silver Needle White tea, and the combination worked really well.


White peach really does make all the difference, doesn’t it?


It sure does! I love eating ‘em too, especially those little flat ones that are I’ve seen labeled ‘donut peaches’ or ‘UFO peaches.’ They’re so yummy!

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761 tasting notes

Got this as a TTG after work, as I was on my way to a girl’s night “spa night” so I thought I would give this one a go. It was pretty good. Smelled pretty peachy, but it was pretty mild. While there was no hibiscus, there was rose hips which are still tart, but not as much. So I like this tea, for an herbal. It was fine hot and once it cooled, so it is a versatile one. I might get some for summer, but I dunno. I like it but i don’t love it. It would be a nice one for evenings at home though. So maybe…

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902 tasting notes

Second pot of the night…made a 4 cupper to finish this tea off. It’s a light, peachy tea, with just a touch of lemon. Very nice.

Boiling 8 min or more
Meghann M

Is the chamomile strong in this one? I bought some about a month ago and have been scared to try it because of the chamomile. The pollen filled buds scare me a bit.


It has chamomile in it? It’s slightly floral, but doesn’t have a “chamomile” taste.

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606 tasting notes


This is one I’m glad is done. I did really like this one when I got it, but over time I’ve slowly started to dislike it. The peach flavour is fine, but I’m glad that I"m done it… which is kind of funny ’cause this is the one tea from Teavana that I actually liked…

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14 tasting notes

Wonderful fresh peach taste. Not at all like a black tea with peach you might find in a restaurant. It is a mild tea with enjoyable fruit taste. This is fantastic mixed with an earthy black tea. It is easy to over-sweeten this tea, be careful with the sugar.


This is an herbal tea. Not a black tea dude.

Rex Barrett

I know due. (djdeth) I was saying it WASN’T like the black teas you find in a restaurant. Notice I said it is fantastic MIXED with an earthy black tea.


Oh okay. Thanks for the clarification :)

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2145 tasting notes

I bought this awhile back with the intention of making iced tea, however the weather has made it all but impossible to enjoy a nice glass of iced tea on our new patio (that we built ourselves ::pats self on back::). I woke up today and it was 50 outside… in June… looks like I’ll have to blend this with some white tea and drink it hot.

I’ve had this before as a blend with Teavana’s Strawberry Rose Champagne which wasn’t bad as long as I didn’t order it to go from Teavana. They have a rather nasty habit of dumping a ton of German Rock Sugar in every drink they make (without telling you first). This isn’t terrible as long as you don’t add sugar to it, that makes it tastes like Peach Os. I made the mistake of drinking my second steep with a little bit of sugar this morning. Peach O tea for breakfast, yum.

This wasn’t overly strong, but it was very sweet due mostly to the candied pineapple. It isn’t something I would drink right before bed, even though it is a tisane, due to the fact that it has sugar in it. Then I would have to get up and brush my teeth again. I like to enjoy my last cup of the day snuggled into bed with my baby as we read our bedtime stories.

My main objection is that the sales staff at Teavana told me this was a healthy option if I liked flavored herbal tea. I’m really not sure how anyone considers a tea with candied anything healthy.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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5 tasting notes

This is a wonderful tea by itself or blended with other teas. My new favorite blend: Strawberry Rose Champagne oolong (Teavana) with Peach Tranquility. It perks me up and warms my soul.

Sometimes after a long day, I will have a cup or pot of this tea to relax. I love the taste and flavor, too. It’s wonderful!

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431 tasting notes

Thank you teaequalsbliss for giving me some of this. I can see all of the ingredients and this smells citrus like with chamomile. I steeped this up and the taste is light peach citrus like with chamomile. This tea is pretty good. I had a cup earlier this morning.

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193 tasting notes

So I thought that teavana wasn’t my thing, but I seem to like their herbals. This is the second herbal I have tried out of my recent Teavana purchase and I liked them both. It’s not as good as chocolate bananas foster, but still pretty good. It smells a lot stronger than it tastes. I found it a little watery, but does have a juicy peach flavour reminiscent of fountain peach juice.


I have been pleasantly surprised by their herbals. I tend to give Teavana a wide berth, but they have some amazing herbal blends!

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