Cococaramel Sea Salt Herbal Tea

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Anise Seeds, Artificial Flavouring, Carob Pieces, Chili Pepper, Chocolate Flakes, Cocoa Kernels, Coconut Chips, Licorice Root, Marigold Petals, Sea Salt
Anise, Caramel, Chocolate, Nutty, Salt, Spices, Cocoa, Coconut, Dark Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Butterscotch, Licorice, Sweet, Artificial, Fruity, Hazelnut, Spicy, Almond, Nuts, Dried Fruit, Raisins
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 316 ml

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120 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thanks whatshesaid for the swap! So apparently I need to stop being a wimp, and I should just go into Teavana and try some teas out because this is pretty good. I wonder what their minimum is –...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! WOO! It was tasty tonight. Made sure I didn’t oversteep it. Added a load of almond milk. I probably won’t buy this again, but it was a pretty good dessert tea! And it went well with the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one is so good. I wrote an awesome review, but my computer ate it earlier…So this will be the short version. Dry, this smells exactly like rocky road ice cream; no kidding. It smells divine...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got sucked in by Teavana’s emails featuring this blend. And I think I saw a few reviews on here that intrigued me enough to buy the minimum 2 ounces to try it. It smells amazing in the bag but I...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

This chocolatier-inspired infusion combines the distinct tastes of sweet and salty. Buttery caramel, decadent chocolate, a hint of cream and a light sprinkling of sea salt satisfies any craving.

A lusciously creamy, nutty blend of caramel & chocolate with a hint of sea salt.

Use 1.5-2 tsp of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to just at boiling (208 degrees/98 degrees Celsius) and steep for 5-6 minutes. For stronger flavor, use more teasRead more

About Teavana View company

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120 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Thanks whatshesaid for the swap!

So apparently I need to stop being a wimp, and I should just go into Teavana and try some teas out because this is pretty good. I wonder what their minimum is – 2oz?

I can’t believe this is herbal. It sorta tastes like I’m eating a salted chocolate bar. Or something like that. I love salt and sweet flavours mixing together so that’s part of why this mix works. I’m tasting a lot of chocolate, nuts, and maybe a bit of licorice as well? It’s actually not as thin and watery as other chocolate teas that I’ve tasted which is impressive. And it’s unusual enough that it’d be a nice one to stock up. I wonder how much sugar is in this? :O

Too bad this has so many mixed ratings. I’m actually quite pleased with it! I think it’d be great when I’m feeling ‘snacky’ but am trying to avoid excessive munching.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 15 sec
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Kittenna 12 years ago

Ugh, I keep seeing the mixed reviews of this one too but still want to try it! Gotta find someone who dislikes it and swap with them :D

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Haha. That worked for me. Too bad I’ve only got enough for 2-3 cups, but I DO have a Teavana like 20 minutes away from me. Maybe I should make a list.

Oh wait. Tea buying hiatus. Hmm…

Jackie O 12 years ago

Kittenna you have some on your way from me!

Jackie O 12 years ago

Also, Cavocorax…I literally have 2 lbs of this tea and I would be MORE than happy to do a swap if you want some during your hiatus!!!

Dinosara 12 years ago

Yeah, the minimum is 2oz, but you also have to make sure that they only give you 2oz, lol. Usually they fill it up to at least 3.5oz (especially heavy herbals) then ask you if that’s ok. If you insist, they’ll take it down to 2oz.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

I’m glad you liked it!! I did NOT. haha.

Shmiracles 12 years ago

this is the kind of tea i can’t help but be curious about!
i’m guessing teavana doesn’t do samples.
it’s just that when i tea sounds weird and hard to pin down and has exciting curve ball flavors, i just have to know!!

Ozli 12 years ago

This sounds amazing.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Jackie T – that’s so generous! I’d love to do a swap if you see anything in my cupboard. Be warned though, a few of those are just small sample sizes (the most recently added ones?), although if it’s from DavidsTea, Della Terra or Zen Tea chances are I have quite a bit. I also have 50g of DavidsTea Licorice Twist and 5 cups worth of LoveisTea’s Thai Tea not in my cupboard that are for swapping.

Dinosara – I’ve been warned that they do that, which is why I was nervous about actually visiting a teavana. Also it just felt so… elitist? Too fancy for me. I prefer the atmosphere at DavidsTea – so warm and welcoming!

Dinosara 12 years ago

Shmiracles – A couple of times now I have gone into a Teavana to get a cup of tea to go as a way of sampling one of their teas before buying. It has worked out really well for me, so I recommend it if you want to try a Teavana tea without buying 2oz (the other perfect way to sample is swaps, of course!)

Cavocorax – I know I used the word “insisted” but the one time I bought tea in store, it was a very quick exchange… she overpoured, then asked if I wanted it brought back to 2oz, and I said yes, and she made it 2oz. Pretty painless.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Sounds pretty easy! If I know they might try to overpour, at least I’ll be paying attention and ready to say no thanks. I think it’d only trick me if I was caught unaware (and didn’t realise how much more that would cost!)

Kittenna 12 years ago

Jackie – Yay! I had forgotten what all was on that list! Once my teas are fully accessible again I’ll be back on top of swapping messages :D

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2291 tasting notes


It was tasty tonight. Made sure I didn’t oversteep it. Added a load of almond milk.

I probably won’t buy this again, but it was a pretty good dessert tea! And it went well with the pumpkin mug cake I made. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec
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JustJames 11 years ago

=0( i couldn’t taste any caramel…..apparently butiki is the only one i can taste!

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

It was more like watered down square Halloween caramels. But not even the good kind. Butiki’s caramel is way better.

JustJames 11 years ago

uh huh…. (insert manic nodding)

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

It is really sugary though. Sometimes that’s good.

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541 tasting notes

This one is so good.
I wrote an awesome review, but my computer ate it earlier…So this will be the short version. Dry, this smells exactly like rocky road ice cream; no kidding. It smells divine when steeped and tastes even better! I’m not really thinking “caramel” when I drink this. It reminds me a bit of chocolate flan stuffs. I really love the chocolate flavor in this one because it is just, so much more natural tasting compared to other chocolate teas that I’ve had. This one is just as good as, if not better, than the slimful chocolate decadence one I think. The liquor itself looks very scary actually; lots of floaties all over the place. If my cupboard wasn’t already so full I’d say that I should get a whole bunch of this one! It is excellent.

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358 tasting notes

I got sucked in by Teavana’s emails featuring this blend. And I think I saw a few reviews on here that intrigued me enough to buy the minimum 2 ounces to try it. It smells amazing in the bag but I found it to be a little weak in the cup. Now to be fair, I did make this as a latte and it is my first latte that I’ve ever made at home with my new milk frother. I was also trying to make enough for 2 cups of tea, so that could be why it’s weak. The flavor that it does has is pleasant and I will enjoy trying it as a regular cuppa, sans the latte. :)

So I finally tried this as a regular cup of tea, and I don’t know what to think. The tea is really cloudy and greasy on top, it kind of grossed me out. Without sweetener I took one sip and hated it, it was really thick and nutty tasting without any sweetness to it. With sweetener it’s better, and I can taste a little of the caramel and chocolate. I don’t really notice any sea salt flavor, but I am obsessed with salt and like a ton of it so maybe that’s why? I tried sprinkling a little sea salt on top to see if that enhanced the flavor at all, and it does bring out more of that salty-sweet flavor. I don’t know, though, I’m just not loving this tea. Being completely honest, the look of it is really throwing me off. I’m a CNA and about to go to nursing school and the color and consistency of this reminds me a little too much of a certain unnamed bodily fluid (am I allowed to say that on Steepster!?) I’m sad because I really really wanted to like this tea so much, since I have a big love of sweet/salty things. I really can’t even finish the cup, so into the swap pile it goes. :(

-Dry blend looks like a small trail mix of chocolate and nut pieces, little red berries, large coconut flakes and small yellow, orange and red petals.
-Dry blend smells salty and nutty with a hint of sweet chocolate. Tea liquor aroma is of toasty nuts.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy dark yellow color with an oily sheen on top.
-Weak nutty flavor with a light caramel chocolate finish. Faint salty aftertaste.
-Best with sweetener.
-Poor tea. Weak flavor with a thick greasy consistency.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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Babble 12 years ago

It definitely sounds interesting, but it’s so hard to justify Teavana purchases these days when 2 oz is the minimum. Hope you get your latte right :)

Josie Jade 12 years ago

I agree! Teavanna is so expensive. I only got 2 ounces each of 2 different teas and the price was over $15. I usually purchase from smaller companies, but I just really wanted to try the 2 flavors I purchased. In theory they should taste amazing, but sadly in reality they smell amazing but the flavor is very weak. :(

Serenity 12 years ago

I found that with some of Teavana’s chai blends that they’d make better sachets for bureau drawers and linen closets as the scents were lovely but the brewed tea was weak.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Not a bad idea about the drawer sachets.

momo 12 years ago

This one just needs something creamy in there with it to not be terrible.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Hmm, I wish I wanted to go back to try that but I just have no desire to make this tea again. It was just a miss for me, I guess.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I stopped by Teavana today. There was a conversation somewhere on steepster about black dragon pearls (from various companies), & I thought I’d stop in for some instant gratification, as in not having to wait for delivery. They were out.

Funny, this exact tea waved at me from the shelf, & for a minute I thought maybe I’d like it, but a little voice in my head (probably Ms Theresa) reminded me that I don’t usually care much for Teavana blends. I did buy myself a couple little 4 oz tea cups though, because I’m having a tea party sunday & some of my older ones are chipped on the rim. I don’t want anyone to cut their lip.

Jackie O 12 years ago

If you haven’t tried DAVIDsTEA salted caramel, you should :-) its definitely more salty sweet, like chocolate covered pretzels type combo.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Terri, I usually don’t care too much for Teavana blends either, but their emails made this one sound so good. And there are obviously people who enjoy it, I guess I’m just not one of them! Yay for your new cups! Teavana always does have pretty tea ware!

Jackie, thanks for the tip, Salted Caramel sounds amazing!

ohfancythat 12 years ago

Aw. If there’s anything i have that you’d be interested in I liked that one enough to swap for it! :)

I second the recommendation for DT Salted Caramel though.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

I’d love to swap this one, whatshesaid! Pm’ing you :)

DesertMoon 12 years ago

I’ve only made this tea once, plain with a bit of their German rock sugar. I couldn’t drink it. It tasted like bad diet artificially sweetened wimpy hot chocolate. The diet-soda-y aftertaste annoyed me so much I nearly got sick to my stomach. I wanted badly to like this tea because the flavors sounded so interesting. I will try the Salted Caramel…thanks for that recommendation!

Josie Jade 12 years ago

desertmoon, I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t love it. I’d love to know what you think of the Salted Caramel when you try it! :)

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1220 tasting notes

6 oz water, 6 oz milk, and a heaping tablespoon of this tea, simmered on the stove for about 10 minutes. Melt that chocolate! Definitely reminiscent of hot chocolate but less like drinking sugar. MUCH better this way than just made with water…it needs a heavier liquid to hold up to all the stuff in here.

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sherapop 11 years ago

I will definitely try your method next time!!!! Thanks for the tip.

TeaLady441 11 years ago


Shmiracles 11 years ago

this does sound like a great method YUM indeed

cuddlesmom 8 years ago

Thanks for leave the tip in the review. I am going to try making it your way. With just water I’m really not getting much flavor.

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615 tasting notes

I’ve brewed this tea a couple times (without blending it with other things) now, and I hadn’t reviewed it because I thought it was on me why it won’t turn out tasty at all. Today was the last go around, and while I’ve been thinking for a while that it’s the tea and not me, I’m 100% certain now.

It starts out tasting thick and caramelly-like, and then becomes muddled with out of place spices, an artifical chocolate note, and an ‘off’ type of sweetness from the licorice — it’s sweet in the back of your throat but not in the sip while it’s in your mouth. Then’s a touch of salt that blends with the sweetness as well. Because of the amount of things going on, and the fact there’s kind of a heavy, oily body to this on, I find it pairs better with milk than water. Either way, there’s a film on the cup.

I honestly just can’t find any way that I enjoy it without mixing it with other teas. For something that sounds so good, it’s a huge disappointment.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
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Dustin 11 years ago

Not you at all, definitely the tea! I took mine back to Teavana for a refund.

moraiwe 11 years ago

I didn’t even know that was an option! I only have a tbsp or so left, and it mixes all right with Ceylon Star, so that’s what I’ve been doing. But I’ll keep that in the back of my head!

Yvonne 11 years ago

I’m still curious about this one – I’ll try it one day!

moraiwe 11 years ago

I’ll gladly send you what I have left if you want to try it!

Yvonne 11 years ago

That would be amazing – thank you so much!!

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513 tasting notes

Took this to work for a sugar hit today. I do love this tea for its pure caramelly sweetness. It is not fussy, it take boiling water, a bit of sugar, and a normal steep time and turns it into something that tastes like it should have a whole lot more calories than it does. It was the decadent tasting tea I needed this morning!

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180 tasting notes

Okay… this was my second attempt at this one. The first time around, the first half of the cup was just okay, but as I got closer to the bottom (and it started to cool), it got gross and muddled-tasting. Just scummy sweetness and a whole lot of licorice and spices – like an artificial mess of flavor. Tossed the last bit down the drain.

Lest anyone say I didn’t give it enough of a chance, I tried again today. But this time, after just 5 sips I had to dump it out… could seriously not finish the cup.

Something about it just makes it tolerable for the first couple sips, then it seems like the taste builds on you and turns… off, somehow. Lowering my rating.

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TeaLady441 12 years ago

A lot of people really don’t like it, but for some reason I enjoyed my sample. I hope I wasn’t mistaken as a fellow Steepster is sending me 2oz of hers!

Lindsey 12 years ago

Yeah, I thinks it’s one of those flavors that you either “get” or you really, really don’t. It seems like most of the negative reviews are (like mine) rated on the very low side (well, I consider anything under 50 as very low).

But everyone has different tastes, so I’m glad that there are some people, like you, who can enjoy it!

Aimee Popovacki 12 years ago

i don’t love this one either.. its not strong enough for me!

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470 tasting notes

I wish I had tea ESP. You know that feeling when you get an order in, and once you’ve tasted all the teas there are some you love you didn’t get enough of, and some you really don’t love that you now have too much of? That’s what happened with me and Teavana’s Heavenly sale. I should have gotten, like, a pound of this. It’s heaven.

Going by other peoples’ tips I decided to do this stovetop with 1 cup milk, 1 cup water and a teaspoon of sugar. Simmered for about 10 minutes the same way you would a chai, and yes, this really is like hot chocolate. Rich, decadent, with creamy caramel, toasty nuttiness and a tiny hint of salt. It’s better than any hot chocolate I’ve had, and that’s saying something because usually chocolate teas have me reaching for the hot cocoa mix with their distinct lack of richness.

This, though, is just… it’s perfect. There’s so much complexity, and it’s an herbal! It’s like someone took perfect hot chocolate, drizzled caramel into it and added a shot of hazelnut syrup (which I’m assuming comes from the nuts in the mix) and then finished it off with a sprinkle of salt. FINALLY I have found the chocolate tea for me! Too bad Teavana’s base prices are so high, but I will definitely pay retail price for this gem.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Nuts. Now I really want to try this one. I think there’s a Teaopia-turned-Teavana 30-45 mins away in my boyfriend’s city… perhaps I’ll have to make a visit :(

Alphakitty 12 years ago

They have a few blends that are definitely worth the trip!

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814 tasting notes

thank you moraiwe! you sent an awesome box and i let my sister immediately select an herbal tea to share :)
it’s a yummy enough tea, if not strangely ….. oily?
it’s got an oil film goin’ on. you know the kind. but what’s not to ENJOY about an herbal tea with No rooibos in it?!? hah
also plus chocolate. also plus caramel. didn’t really get a bunch of sea salt. but adding salt to caramel is the hip thing these days isn’t it. totally acceptable.

let’s be honest. british television writes women WAY BETTER than any american show ever has. like. ever.
it’s so embarrassing.

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